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Oral Health Prev Dent.2022 Nov;20(1):413-419.


Application of a Systematic Oral Health Promotion Model for Pregnant Women: A Randomised Controlled Study.

PMID: 36346336




PURPOSE: To explore the effects of oral health promotion management on the improvement of oral healthcare knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours in pregnant women.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: This randomised study included pregnant women in Shanghai (China) who were randomly assigned to receive oral-health promotion management (intervention group) or no interventions (control group). The primary outcome for this study was overall oral health. The secondary outcomes included oral health awareness and attitudes, oral health knowledge, oral healthcare behaviours, medical visits, and risk factors. The Fourth National Oral Health Questionnaire was self-administered in this study, and oral examinations included caries and periodontal status. Data consistency was assessed by the Kappa coefficient.


介入後、介入群の歯周治療成績は統計学的に有意に改善し、歯周病のない人の割合は統計学的に有意に増加し14.4%であった(p<0.05)。介入群では、有効齲蝕数(p<0.001)、充填歯数(p=0.014)、地域歯周病指数(CPI)スコア(p<0.001)においても統計学的に有意な改善が認められた。全体として、介入後、妊婦は子どもの乳歯の重要性を理解し、良好な口腔衛生の重要性に関する知識が大幅に向上した。さらに、介入群における口腔ケアの習慣も統計的に有意な改善を示した:56.8%が毎週舌を清掃する習慣を確立し(p < 0.05)、39.6%が定期的に口腔内を検査する習慣を確立した(p < 0.05)。

RESULTS: After intervention, periodontal outcomes in the intervention group had improved statistically significantly, and the proportion of those without periodontal diseases had statistically significantly increased to 14.4% (p < 0.05). In the intervention group, statistically significant improvements were also observed in the number of active caries (p < 0.001), number of filled teeth (p = 0.014), and community periodontal index (CPI) scores (p < 0.001). Overall, after intervention, pregnant women demonstrated comprehension of the importance of children's deciduous teeth, and their knowledge of the importance of good oral health had greatly improved. Further, oral healthcare habits in the intervention group also showed statistically significant improvement: 56.8% established the habit of cleaning the tongue every week (p < 0.05) and 39.6% established the habit of regular oral examination (p < 0.05).



CONCLUSION: Oral healthcare education and promotion management for pregnant women can effectively improve their oral health, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours of oral health care.