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J Endod.2023 Feb;49(2):137-143.

Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Ligand, Osteoprotegerin, Osteopontin, Tumor Necrosis Factor Alphaの喫煙者における慢性根尖性歯周炎に対する評価

Evaluation of Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Ligand, Osteoprotegerin, Osteopontin, and Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha on Chronic Apical Periodontitis in Smokers.

PMID: 36414095



喫煙は慢性歯根膜炎(CAP)の危険因子と考えられる。本研究では、喫煙者と非喫煙者のCAPにおけるバイオマーカーreceptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL)、osteoprotegerin (OPG)、osteopontin (OPN)、tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α)の免疫発現を比較した。

INTRODUCTION: Smoking can be considered a risk factor for chronic apical periodontitis (CAP). This study compared the immunoexpression of biomarkers receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL), osteoprotegerin (OPG), osteopontin (OPN), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) in CAP in smokers and nonsmokers.



METHODS: Twelve smokers and 12 nonsmokers diagnosed with CAP and indicated for tooth extraction were selected. Exclusion factors were teeth with a diagnosis of root fracture, previous endodontic treatment, or endoperiodontal injury, in addition to individuals with systemic diseases, under 18 years of age, users of anti-inflammatory and/or antibiotics in the last 3 months, and drug users. Specimens were processed for histopathologic and immunohistochemical analysis.


RANKL発現の定性的解析では、喫煙者では66.66%が弱・中等度、33.33%が強、非喫煙者では100%が弱・中等度であった。OPGとOPNの発現は喫煙者で100%陰性から限局性、非喫煙者で50%陰性から限局性、50%弱/中等度であった。TNF-αの発現は、喫煙者群では限局性陰性25%、弱・中等度75%、非喫煙者群では限局性陰性33.33%、弱・中等度66.66%であった。Mann-Whitney U検定による定量的解析の結果、RANKL(P<.05)、OPG(P<.05)、OPN(P<.05)の免疫発現には有意差が認められたが、TNF-α(P>.05)の免疫発現には両群間に統計的な差は認められなかった。

RESULTS: Qualitative analysis of RANKL expression showed 66.66% weak/moderate and 33.33% strong in smokers and 100% weak/moderate in nonsmokers. OPG and OPN expressions were 100% negative to focal in the smoker group and 50% negative to focal and 50% weak/moderate in the nonsmoker group. TNF-α was 25% negative to focal and 75% weak/moderate in the smoker group and 33.33% negative to focal and 66.66% weak/moderate in the nonsmoker group. Quantitative analysis of the data using the Mann-Whitney U test showed that there was a significant difference in the immunoexpression of RANKL (P < .05), OPG (P < .05), and OPN (P < .05), but there was no statistical difference in the immunoexpression of TNF-α (P > .05) between the 2 groups.



CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that smoking is capable of altering the inflammatory response, influencing the evolution of CAP.