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Clin Oral Investig.2023 Apr;27(4):1781-1792.


Evaluation of a novel restorative protocol to treat non-carious cervical lesion associated with gingival recession: a 2-year follow-up randomized clinical trial.

PMID: 36462038




OBJECTIVE: To compare 2 different resin composites and 2 adhesive systems used in a new restorative protocol (partial restoration) to treat non-carious cervical lesions associated with gingival recession type 1 (RT1).



MATERIAL AND METHODS: Eighty combined defects (CDs) were treated with a partial restoration and periodontal plastic surgery for root coverage. The CDs were randomly assigned to one of the following groups: NP + TE (n = 20), nanofilled composite and 2-step total-etch adhesive system; NP + UA (n = 20), nanofilled composite and universal adhesive system; MH + TE (n = 20), microhybrid composite and 2-step total-etch adhesive; MH + UA (n = 20), microhybrid composite and universal adhesive. Restorations were assessed using the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) criteria at 1 week (baseline) and 6, 12, and 24 months. Survival rate, periodontal parameters, dentin hypersensitivity (DH), and aesthetics were also evaluated.



RESULTS: After 24 months, only the MH + TE group did not lose any restoration, with no significant differences between groups. For surface roughness parameter, MH presented 83.3% of the restorations scoring Bravo, whereas NP presented 48.5% of the restorations scoring Bravo. All groups presented restorations with marginal discoloration. All periodontal parameters behaved similarly, regardless of the restorative material. All groups presented significant reductions of dentin hypersensitivity and improved aesthetic perceptions (p < 0.05).



CONCLUSION: Both resin composites and adhesives tested can be combined for partial restorations to treat CDs.


CDを治療するためのこの新しい修復外科プロトコールは、満足のいく結果を示す。部分修復は、この調査で評価した接着剤とレジンコンポジットの両方の組み合わせで成功裏に実施できる。TRN : ClinicalTrial.gov:NCT03215615;登録日2017年7月12日。

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This new restorative-surgical protocol to treat CDs presents satisfactory outcomes. The partial restorations can be successfully executed with both combinations of adhesives and resin composites evaluated in this investigation. TRN : ClinicalTrial.gov: NCT03215615; registration date July 12, 2017.