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BMC Oral Health.2022 Dec;22(1):578.

スポーツドリンクおよびエナジードリンクの循環浸漬後における歯着色修復材料のin vitro表面および色調変化

In vitro surface and color changes of tooth-colored restorative materials after sport and energy drink cyclic immersions.

PMID: 36494665



バルクフィルレジンコンポジット、ナノハイブリッドレジンコンポジットおよびグラスアイオノマー修復材料に対するスポーツドリンクおよびエナジードリンクの表面特性と色調変化に関する研究はこれまで行われていない。このin vitro研究の目的は、バルクフィルレジンコンポジット、ナノハイブリッドレジンコンポジットおよびグラスアイオノマー修復材の表面硬度、粗さおよび色調変化に及ぼすスポーツドリンクおよびエナジードリンクの影響を調査し、さらに飲料の酸度および滴定酸度を評価することである。

BACKGROUND: There has not been any research conducted on surface properties and color changes from sport and energy drinks on bulk-fill resin composite, nanohybrid resin composite and glass ionomer restorative material. The aim of this in vitro study was to investigate the effect of sport and energy drinks on surface hardness, roughness and color changes of bulk-fill resin composite, nanohybrid resin composite and glass ionomer restorative material, and to also evaluate the acidity and titratable acidity of the drinks.



METHODS: One hundred and forty-seven specimens of each tooth-colored restorative material were prepared in a polytetrafluoroethylene mold (10 mm. in diameter and 2 mm. in thickness). Before immersion, baseline data of hardness, roughness, and color value were recorded. Each material was divided into 3 groups for sport drink, energy drink, and deionized water (serving as a control). The specimens were immersed in a storage agent for 5 s, then in artificial saliva for 5 s alternately for 24 cycles, and then stored in artificial saliva for 24 h. The immersion cycle was repeated for 14 days and hardness, roughness and color values were measured at 7 and 14 days.



RESULTS: After immersion, the glass ionomer restorative material had statistically less hardness, more roughness and more color changes than the others (P < 0.05). Energy drink groups statistically caused more surface and color changes than sport drink groups (P < 0.05).



CONCLUSION: Sport and energy drinks affected hardness, roughness, and color changes in all the tooth-colored restorative materials evaluated.