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J Endod.2023 Mar;49(3):262-266.


Increased Risk for Acute Periapical Abscesses in Multiple Sclerosis Patients and the Possible Association with Epstein-Barr Virus.

PMID: 36526109




INTRODUCTION: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a severe inflammatory neuroimmune degenerative condition affecting more than 2 million individuals worldwide. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of acute periapical abscesses in patients with MS and to evaluate whether acute periapical abscesses (PAs) are more likely to affect patients who were previously infected by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).



METHODS: Integrated data of hospital patients were used. Data from the corresponding diagnosis codes for MS and acute PA were retrieved by querying the appropriate International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision codes in the database.


入院患者総数のうち、MSの既往歴があると診断されたのは0.18%であった。女性の罹患率は男性の3.25倍であった。白人はアフリカ系米国人より6倍多かった。白人はアフリカ系アメリカ人と他の民族を合わせた3.6倍より罹患率が高かった。MSの既往がある患者における急性PAのオッズ比(OR)は2.2であった(P < 0.0001)。糖尿病の合併を調整した後のMS既往患者における急性PAのオッズ比は2.6であった。心血管疾患の合併を補正すると、MSの既往のある患者における急性PAのORは1.27であった。PAを呈した患者のうち、0.2%がEBV感染歴があると診断された。ORは3.98であり、有病率の差は統計的に有意であった(P < 0.0001)。

RESULTS: Of the total hospital patient population, 0.18% were diagnosed with a history of MS. Females were more affected than males 3.25-fold. Whites were more affected than African Americans 6-fold. Whites were more affected than African Americans combined with other ethnicities 3.6-fold. The odds ratio (OR) for acute PAs in patients with a history of MS was 2.2 (P < .0001). After adjustment for diabetes mellitus comorbidity, the OR for acute PAs in patients with a history of MS was 2.6. After adjustment for cardiovascular disease comorbidity, the OR for acute PAs in patients with a history of MS was 1.27. Of the patients who presented with PAs, 0.2% were diagnosed with a history of EBV infection. The OR was 3.98, and the difference in prevalence was statistically significant (P < .0001).



CONCLUSIONS: Under the conditions of this cross-sectional study, it appears that the prevalence of acute PAs is higher in patients with MS and that EBV may play a role.