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Dent Traumatol.2023 Jul;39 Suppl 1:70-80.


A step-by step guide for autotransplantation of teeth.

PMID: 36655600



Tooth loss is an adverse consequence of oral diseases and traumatic dental injuries. Although several treatment options exist to treat a missing or hopeless tooth, especially in young individuals, most of the existing alternatives (such as orthodontic treatment, removable or fixed partial dentures, and dental implants) impose a challenge in children due to the nature of the developing jaw bones. Tooth autotransplantation is the replacement of a tooth with another functional tooth within the patient's dentition. Autotransplantation can serve as a promising treatment alternative in cases of tooth loss not only in children and adolescents but also in adult patients. Autotransplantation is a technique-sensitive procedure, that requires proper and thorough planning as well as careful and knowledgeable execution in order to improve the chances for long-term success and survival of the transplanted tooth. Thus, the aim of this article was to provide a step-by-step clinical guide, emphasizing key points and highlights for planning and performing a successful autotransplantation procedure. Autotransplantation is a very predictable treatment modality that can serve as a viable option to replace a missing tooth, especially in young patients. Proper planning and careful execution of the procedure are important to achieve optimal long-term results.