根管からのスミア層とデブリスの除去について、従来のシリンジ灌流と3D洗浄を比較した。Ex Vivo Study
Smear Layer and Debris Removal from Root Canals Comparing Traditional Syringe Irrigation and 3D Cleaning: An Ex Vivo Study.
PMID: 36675419
歯内療法の目的は、複雑な歯内空間内の細菌負荷を除去または減少させることである。3 次元(3D)洗浄を行うためには、スミア層とデブリを除去することが必須となる。
BACKGROUND: Endodontic treatment objectives comprise eliminating or decreasing bacterial load inside the complex endodontic space. Removing the smear layer and debris becomes mandatory to achieve good three-dimensional (3D) cleaning.
本研究では、3D 洗浄技術と従来のシリンジ針洗浄によるスミア層除去の違いを評価する。3D洗浄法には、管内加熱NaOClを超音波で活性化させる方法がある。
AIM: This study assesses the difference in smear layer removal using the 3D cleaning technique and traditional syringe needle irrigation. The 3D cleaning technique includes the ultrasonic activation of intracanal-heated NaOCl.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Our current study used single-rooted human mandibular premolar teeth to test the earlier-mentioned technique ( = 30). Initially, an endodontic access cavity was performed. Consequently, specimens were randomly distributed into three study groups according to irrigation protocol. The groups were Group 1, where the traditional syringe needle irrigation system was applied; Group 2, where the 3D cleaning technique was performed; and Group 3, in which teeth remained uncleaned as it was regarded as the control group. Once the experiment was completed, the teeth were decoronated at the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) and examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Debris and smear layers were viewed in 1000× magnification and scored.
統計分析は、標準的な統計ソフトウェアパッケージ(SPSS, version 28.0; SPSS IBM, Armonk, NY, USA)を用いて実施した。データは、試験したグループ間および三半規管間のノンパラメトリック分散分析(Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA)を用いて分析した。有意水準は< 0.05とした.両群とも,コントロール群と比較して,スミア層とデブリの平均スコアが統計的に有意(< 0.05)に低いことが観察された.グループ2はグループ1と比較してより良い結果を示した。
RESULTS: Statistical analysis was performed with a standard statistical software package (SPSS, version 28.0; SPSS IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). Data were analyzed with a nonparametric analysis of variance (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA) among the groups tested and among the thirds of the canals. The level of significance was set at < 0.05. A statistically significant ( < 0.05) lower mean smear layer and debris score was observed in both study groups compared to the control group. Group 2 showed better results compared to Group 1.
CONCLUSIONS: The present study concluded that the 3D cleaning technique is an effective irrigation method for removing debris and smear layers. Future research, such as CLSM (Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy) and Histological study, should be employed to confirm this study's conclusion.