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J Prosthet Dent.2023 Jan;


Differences in maxillomandibular relationship recorded at centric relation when using a conventional method, four intraoral scanners, and a jaw tracking system: A clinical study.

PMID: 36682896




STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Digital systems including intraoral scanners (IOSs) and optical jaw tracking systems can be used to acquire the maxillomandibular relationship at the centric relation (CR). However, the discrepancy of the maxillomandibular relationship recorded at the CR position when using digital methods remains uncertain.



PURPOSE: The purpose of this clinical study was to compare the accuracy of the maxillomandibular relationship recorded at the CR position using a conventional procedure, 4 different IOSs, and an optical jaw tracking system.


完全に歯が生えたボランティアを選択した。コイスデプログラマー(KD)を作製した。診断用模型を作製し、CR位置での顎咬合関係を記録するために使用した手技に基づき、6つのグループを作成した:従来の手技(CNVグループ)、4つのIOSグループ:TRIOS4(TRIOS4群)、iTero Element 5D(iTero群)、i700 wireless(i700群)、Primescan(Primescan群)、顎トラッキングシステム(Modjaw)(Modjaw群)の4つのIOS群(n=10)。CNV群では、従来の診断用結石ギプスを採取した。上顎のギプスを咬合器(Panadent)に装着するためにフェイスボーレコードを使用した。下顎ギプスの装着にはKDを用いてCR記録を取得し、装着されたギプスはスキャナー(T710)を用いて参照スキャンを取得することによりデジタル化された。TRIOS群では、口腔内スキャンを取得し、10回複製した。KDを用いてCR位での両側仮想咬合採得を行った。iTero群、i700群、Primescan群の検体取得は、TRIOS4群の手順に準じたが、対応するIOSを用いた。Modjaw群では、KDを用いてCR位での顎骨関係を記録し、エクスポートした。各群の関節仮想模型がエクスポートされた。基準スキャンと実験スキャンの両方で、36個のランドマーク間直線測定値を計算した。基準スキャンで得られた距離は、各実験スキャンで得られた距離との不一致を計算するために使用された。データは1元配置分散分析(1-way ANOVA)と一対比較Tukey検定(α=.05)を用いて分析した。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A completely dentate volunteer was selected. A Kois deprogrammer (KD) was fabricated. Six groups were created based on the technique used to obtain diagnostic casts and record the maxillomandibular relationship at the CR position: conventional procedures (CNV group), 4 IOS groups: TRIOS4 (TRIOS4 group), iTero Element 5D (iTero group), i700 wireless (i700 group), Primescan (Primescan group), and a jaw tracking system (Modjaw) (Modjaw group) (n=10). In the CNV group, conventional diagnostic stone casts were obtained. A facebow record was used to mount the maxillary cast on an articulator (Panadent). The KD was used to obtain a CR record for mounting the mandibular cast, and the mounted casts were digitized by using a scanner (T710) to acquire the reference scans. In the TRIOS group, intraoral scans were obtained and duplicated 10 times. The KD was used to obtain a bilateral virtual occlusal record at the CR position. To acquire the specimens of the iTero, i700, and Primescan groups, the procedures in the TRIOS4 group were followed, but with the corresponding IOS. In the Modjaw group, the KD was used to record and export the maxillomandibular relationship at the CR position. Articulated virtual casts of each group were exported. Thirty-six interlandmark linear measurements were computed on both the reference and experimental scans. The distances obtained on the reference scan were used to calculate the discrepancies with the distances obtained on each experimental scan. The data were analyzed by using 1-way ANOVA followed by the pairwise comparison Tukey tests (α=.05).


上顎顎骨関係の記録の真度および精度は、使用した手技に有意に影響された(P<.001)。上顎顎骨関係の真値は、高い方からiTero(0.14±0.09mm)、Modjaw(0.20±0.04mm)、TRIOS4(0.22±0.09mm)の順であった。しかし、iTero群、Modjaw群、TRIOS4群に有意差はなかった(P>.05)。i700群は、試験した全群の中で最も低い真度および精度値(0.40±0.22mm)を示し、次いでPrimescan grop群(0.26±0.13mm)であった。しかし、i700群およびPrimescan群は、iTero群のみよりも有意に真度および精度が低かった(P<.05)。

RESULTS: The trueness and precision of the maxillomandibular relationship record were significantly affected by the technique used (P<.001). The maxillomandibular relationship trueness values from high to low were iTero (0.14 ±0.09 mm), followed by the Modjaw (0.20 ±0.04 mm) and the TRIOS4 (0.22 ±0.09 mm) groups. However, the iTero, Modjaw, and TRIOS4 groups were not significantly different from each other (P>.05). The i700 group obtained the lowest trueness and precision values (0.40 ±0.22 mm) of all groups tested, followed by the Primescan grop (0.26±0.13 mm); however, the i700 and Primescan groups had significantly lower trueness and precision than only the iTero group (P<.05).



CONCLUSIONS: The trueness and precision of the maxillomandibular relationship recorded at the CR position were influenced by the different digital techniques tested.