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J Oral Maxillofac Surg.2023 May;81(5):602-621.


Does the Choice of Preparation Protocol for Platelet-Rich Fibrin Have Consequences for Healing and Alveolar Ridge Preservation After Tooth Extraction? A Meta-Analysis.

PMID: 36736375




PURPOSE: Multiple preparation protocols for platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) are in use today, and clinical results are often heterogeneous. This study analyzes the impact of the chosen PRF preparation protocol on 1) wound healing and 2) alveolar ridge preservation.


この系統的レビューとメタ分析のために、PubMedとCochraneのデータベースから適格な研究を同定した。含まれるのは、無外傷抜歯後にPRF治療を受けた健常患者を対象とし、未治療のソケットと比較したランダム化比較対照臨床試験および対照臨床試験で、以下の結果変数のうち少なくとも1つを報告しているものである:疼痛、腫脹、軟組織の治癒、歯槽骨炎のリスク、水平および垂直方向の骨喪失、ソケットの充填、新生骨形成。主な予測変数は相対遠心力(RCF)で、高RCF(high PRF)、中間のRCF(standard [S-PRF])、低RCF(advanced PRF)、およびさまざまなRCF設定(concentrated growth factor preparation [CGF])を比較した。遠心チューブの種類(シリカコートプラスチックとガラス)は二次予測因子であった。加重平均または標準化平均差、リスク比、および対応する95%信頼区間が算出された。

METHODS: For this systematic review and meta-analysis, eligible studies were identified in PubMed and Cochrane databases. Included were randomized controlled and controlled clinical trials with healthy patients treated with PRF after atraumatic tooth extraction compared to untreated socket(s), reporting at least one of the following outcome variables: pain, swelling, soft tissue healing, alveolar osteitis risk, horizontal and vertical bone loss, socket fill, and new bone formation. Main predictor variable was relative centrifugal force (RCF) comparing high RCF (high PRF), intermediate RCF (standard [S-PRF]), low RCF (advanced PRF), and various RCF settings (concentrated growth factor preparation [CGF]). The type of centrifugation tubes (silica-coated plastic and glass) was a secondary predictor. Weighted or standardized mean differences, risk ratio and corresponding 95% confidence intervals were calculated.


2012年から2022年までに発表された40の研究が選択された。すべてのアウトカムのプール効果は、未処置のソケットに対して有意であった。サブグループ内では、高PRFまたは高度PRFが、多くのアウトカムパラメーターで最も低い有効性を示した。痛みの軽減(ビジュアルアナログスケール単位)は、S-PRF(-1.18 [-1.48, -0.88]、P<.00001)とCGF(-1.03 [-1.16, -0.90]、P<.001)で最も高かった。歯槽骨炎のリスク比(0.09[0.01、0.69]、P<.02)と軟組織の治癒(標準化平均差=2.55[2.06、3.03]、P<.001)は、CGFが最も良好であった。骨関連の転帰については、サブグループ差は認められなかった。チューブ材質の効果に関する意味のある解析は不可能であった。

RESULTS: Forty studies published between 2012 and 2022 were selected. The pooled effects of all outcomes were significant against untreated sockets. Within the subgroups high PRF or advanced PRF had the lowest efficacy for many outcome parameters. Pain reduction (in visual analog scale units) was highest for S-PRF (-1.18 [-1.48, -0.88], P < .00001) and CGF (-1.03 [-1.16, -0.90], P < .001). The risk ratio of alveolar osteitis (0.09 [0.01, 0.69], P < .02) and soft tissue healing (standardized mean difference = 2.55 [2.06, 3.03], P < .001) were best for CGF. No subgroup differences were found for bone-related outcomes. No meaningful analysis of the tube material effect was possible.



CONCLUSION: This study confirms that PRF is associated with reduced postoperative complications but indicates that preparation protocol influences clinical outcomes. S-PRF and CGF protocols appear to be superior for several outcome parameters.