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Int J Environ Res Public Health.2023 Jan;20(3).


Implant Survival in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: A Case Report and Systematic Review of the Literature.

PMID: 36767768




BACKGROUND: The aim of this systematic review and case reports was to evaluate osseointegration and implant survival rate in patients with chronic kidney disease.



METHODS: The paper screening process was conducted on electronic databases in order to identify clinical studies concerning the study topic. The literature data were evaluated for eligibility and studies were included for the qualitative synthesis. The case report concerned a male subject affected by renal disorders, a candidate for full arch immediate loading procedure.



RESULTS: The article screening process reported a total of 54 manuscripts and one paper identified through the manual search. At the end of the review process, a total of 45 articles were excluded while nine manuscripts were included for the descriptive synthesis. No significant complications or events were present during the intraoperative/post-operative phases. The clinical course reported no significant inflammation or symptoms. At follow-up, the rehabilitation was found to be functionally and aesthetically integrated with no complications, probing, or bone resorption.


利用可能なエビデンスは、早期インプラント埋入プロトコルの臨床的 有効性を支持している。現在得られている知見から、早期インプラント埋入プロトコールは、即時埋入プロトコールおよび遅延埋入プロトコールと同様のインプラント治療成績をもたらし、即時埋入と比較してインプラント周囲硬組織の安定性が優れていることが示された。

CONCLUSIONS: The available evidence supports the clinical efficacy of the early implant placement protocol. Present findings indicate that the early implant placement protocol results in implant outcomes similar to immediate and delayed placement protocols and a superior stability of peri-implant hard tissue compared with immediate implant placement.