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Evid Based Dent.2023 Mar;24(1):42.


The relationship between temperament and dental fear and anxiety: a systematic review.

PMID: 36869119



システマティックレビュー(PROSPERO #CRD42020207578)により、小児および青年における気質特性と歯科恐怖・不安(DFA)との関係を調査すること。

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between temperament traits and dental fear and anxiety (DFA) in children and adolescents by the means of a systematic review (PROSPERO #CRD42020207578).


小児および青年を母集団、気質を曝露、DFAを転帰として、PEO(Population, Exposure, Outcome)戦略に従った。2021年9月に7つのデータベース(PubMed、Web of Science、Scopus、Lilacs、Embase、Cochrane、PsycINFO)で、発表年や言語に制限を設けずに観察研究(横断研究、症例対照研究、コホート研究)を系統的に検索した。灰色文献検索は、OpenGrey、Google Scholar、および対象研究の参考文献リストで行った。研究の選択、データ抽出、バイアスのリスク評価は、2名の査読者が独立して行った。Fowkes and Fulton Critical Assessment Guidelineを用いて、組み入れられた各研究の方法論的質を評価した。GRADEアプローチは、気質特性間の関係の証拠の確実性を決定するために実施された。

METHODS: The PEO (Population, Exposure, and Outcome) strategy was followed using children and adolescents as the population, temperament as the exposure, and DFA as the outcome. A systematic search for observational studies (cross-sectional, case-control, and cohort) without restrictions on year or language of publication was performed in seven databases (PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Lilacs, Embase, Cochrane, and PsycINFO) in September 2021. Grey literature search was performed in OpenGrey, Google Scholar, and in the reference list of included studies. Study selection, data extraction, and risk of bias assessment were carried out independently by two reviewers. The Fowkes and Fulton Critical Assessment Guideline was used to assess methodological quality of each study included. The GRADE approach was performed to determine the certainty of evidence of relationship between temperament traits.



RESULTS: This study recovered 1362 articles, of which 12 were included. Despite the high heterogeneity of methodological aspects, qualitative synthesis by subgroups showed a positive association/correlation between emotionality, neuroticism, and shyness with DFA in children and adolescents. Different subgroups analysis showed similar results. Eight studies were classified as having low methodological quality.



CONCLUSION: The main shortcoming of the included studies is the high risk of bias and a very low certainty of evidence. Within its limitations, children and adolescents with a temperament-like emotionality/neuroticism and shyness are more likely to present higher DFA.