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Evid Based Dent.2023 Mar;24(1):43.


The effect of periapical lesion size on the success rate of different endodontic treatments: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

PMID: 36890256




INTRODUCTION: This systematic review evaluated the effect of periapical lesion (PL) size on the success rate of different endodontic treatments, including root canal treatment (RCT), non-surgical retreatment (NSR), and apical surgery (AS).


PLとそのサイズを用いた永久歯の歯内療法の治療成績を調査したコホートおよびランダム化比較試験を、Web of Science、MEDLINE、Scopus、およびEmbaseデータベースを通じて電子的に同定した。2名の査読者が独立して、研究の選択、データ抽出、および批判的評価のプロセスを実施した。対象とした研究の質は、Newcastle-Ottawa Scaleおよびランダム化比較試験のための11項目のCritical Appraisal Skills Programチェックリストを用いて評価した。歯内療法(小病変と大病変)の成功率は、95%信頼区間(CI)付きの率比(RR)を用いて推定した。

METHODS: Cohorts and randomized controlled trials investigating the outcomes of endodontic treatment of permanent teeth with PL and its size were identified electronically through Web of Science, MEDLINE, Scopus, and Embase databases. Two reviewers independently conducted the study selection, data extraction, and critical appraisal process. The quality of the included studies was evaluated using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale and the 11-item Critical Appraisal Skills Program checklist for randomized controlled trials. The success rates of the endodontic treatments (small lesions and large lesions) were estimated using the rate ratios (RRs) with an associated 95% confidence interval (CI).



RESULTS: Out of 44 included studies, 42 were cohort, and 2 were randomized controlled trials. Thirty-two studies had poor quality. For the meta-analysis, five studies in RCT, 4 in NSR, and 3 in AS were considered. The RR of the endodontic treatment success in PLs was 1.04 in RCT (95% CI, 0.99-1.07), 1.11 in NSR (95% CI, 0.99-1.24), and 1.06 in AS (95% CI, 0.97-1.16). Only sub-group analysis of long-term follow-up of RCT showed a significantly higher success rate in small lesions than in large lesions.



CONCLUSIONS: Considering the quality of studies and variation in outcomes and size classification, our meta-analysis demonstrated that the PL size had no significant effect on the success rate of different endodontic treatments.