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J Prosthet Dent.2023 Jun;129(6):938.e1-938.e7.


Fracture strength and energy-dispersive spectroscopy analysis of 3-unit fixed partial dentures fabricated from different monolithic zirconia materials.

PMID: 37024356




STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Mastication forces in different regions affect the survival of multiunit posterior restorations. The fracture strength of 3-unit posterior monolithic zirconia fixed partial dentures (FPDs) and their fracture patterns require investigation.



PURPOSE: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate and compare the fracture strength and fracture pattern of 3-unit posterior FPDs fabricated from different monolithic zirconia materials.


BruxZir、FireZr、Upceraから30個の3ユニットFPDを作製した(各群n=10)。エネルギー分散型分光分析を各群から2検体ずつ選択して実施した。すべての試験片を1.2×10サイクルの咀嚼シミュレーターに曝露した後、クロスヘッド速度1mm/minで単調荷重をかけて破折させた。破断した試験片の表面を走査型電子顕微鏡で25倍と500倍の倍率で観察した。正規分布への適合性はシャピロ・ウィルク検定で評価した。一元配置分散分析を用いて、正規分布した初期亀裂形成荷重F initial(F)と破局破壊強度F maximum(F)の平均値を群ごとに比較した。ワイブル統計量は最尤推定法を用いて算出した。カイ二乗検定は形状およびスケールパラメーターの比較に使用した(α=.05)。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty 3-unit FPDs were fabricated from BruxZir, FireZr, and Upcera (n=10 per group). Energy-dispersive spectroscopy analysis was performed on 2 selected specimens from each group. All specimens were exposed to a mastication simulator for 1.2×10 cycles and then monotonically loaded to fracture at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. The surfaces of a selected fractured specimen were examined at magnifications of ×25 and ×500 with scanning electron microscopy. Conformity to normal distribution was evaluated with the Shapiro-Wilk test. One-way analysis of variance was used to compare the normally distributed initial crack formation load F initial (F) and catastrophic failure strength F maximum (F) means by group. Weibull statistics were calculated by using the maximum likelihood estimation method. The chi-square test was used to compare shape and scale parameters (α=.05).


平均F値は、Upceraでfail1878.9 N、BruxZirで2177.8 N、FireZrで2229.4 Nであった。UpceraとBruxZirはF平均値で統計的に有意な差を示した(P=.039)。グループによる骨折タイプ分布の差は、統計的に同程度であった(P>.05)。Fでは、Upceraが最も高いワイブル弾性率を示し(2.199)、FireZrが最も低かった(1.594)。Fでは、BruxZirが最も高いワイブル弾性率を示し(9.267)、FireZrが最も低かった(6.572)。

RESULTS: The mean F values were fail1878.9 N for Upcera, 2177.8 N for BruxZir, and 2229.4 N for FireZr. Upcera and BruxZir showed statistically significant differences for the F mean values (P=.039). The differences between the fracture type distributions according to the groups were statistically similar (P>.05). For F Upcera presented the highest Weibull modulus value (2.199), FireZr had the lowest (1.594), while for F BruxZir had the highest Weibull modulus value (9.267) and FireZr the lowest (6.572).



CONCLUSIONS: Using the zirconia materials BruxZir, FireZr, and Upcera resulted in high F values after aging procedures. With all materials, the fractures were most commonly found in the connector areas in the tested FPDs.