Establishing standards for Yonsei point in a White South African population for the treatment of gummy smile.
PMID: 37073426
INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study is to establish the efficacy of Yonsei point in the treatment of a gummy smile in a White South African population. The accurate surface anatomy criteria in relation to the underlying musculature for the administration of Botulinum toxin injections in the treatment of gummy smile was determined.
顔面解剖のために19体(男性10体、女性9体)の死体を選択した。解剖の前後に顔貌写真を撮影した。解剖前後の写真を重ね合わせ、解剖した死体のどの位置にピンを刺すべきかを決定し、Yonseiポイントを決定した。上唇挙筋(LLS)、LLS alaeque nasi(LLSAN)、小頬骨筋、および大頬骨筋は、分度器と定規を使用して測定した。デジタル計測は、解剖した画像をImageJに取り込んで計測した。直径2cm(半径1cm)の円を作成し、四星点が筋繊維に影響を与えることができるかどうかを判定した。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nineteen (10 males and 9 females) cadavers were selected for facial dissection. Facial profile photographs were taken before and after dissection. The before and after photographs were overlayed to determine where the pin positions should be on the dissected cadaver to determine the Yonsei point. The levator labii superioris (LLS), LLS alaeque nasi (LLSAN), zygomaticus minor, and zygomaticus major muscles were measured using a protractor and ruler, which accounted for the manual measurements. Digital measurements were measured by importing dissected images into ImageJ. Circles with a 2 cm diameter (1 cm radius) were constructed to determine whether the Yonsei point could successfully influence muscles fibers.
RESULTS: Digital and manual measurements show comparable results with high correlation and reliability. Results showed that the White South African population had narrower facial musculature angles as compared with the Korean population.
CONCLUSION: Based on the selected sample, the Yonsei point is an ineffective injection site for the successful treatment of gummy smile in a White South African population.