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J Esthet Restor Dent.2023 Oct;35(7):1058-1067.


Multifunctional anatomical prototypes (MAPs): Treatment of excessive gingival display due to altered passive eruption.

PMID: 37078683




OBJECTIVE: To describe a strategy using digital technologies for improving the diagnosis, treatment planning, and surgical execution of patients with excessive gingival display (EGD) due to altered passive eruption (APE).



CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS: An important component for successful patient's management is to fulfill their esthetic expectations whilst delivering predictable and long-term therapeutic outcomes. To achieve this goal in patients with excessive gingival display due to altered passive eruption, it is essential to perform an accurate diagnosis and to communicate to the patient the expected customized results using digital technologies. Computer-aided designed and manufactured multifunctional anatomical prototypes (MAPs) may contribute to these purposes. Additionally, they can guide the surgical crown lengthening procedure or serve as a reference during the surgical guide fabrication providing information of the required anatomical landmarks.



CONCLUSIONS: This novel strategy protocol for diagnosis, communication, and treatment management of patients with excessive gingival display follows functional and biological principles within the frame of a digital workflow, which improves the diagnostic capabilities, enhances communication, and guides the surgical treatment as shown in the 12 months follow-up of the reported case.



CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Developing a virtual patient by combining multiple digital data sets including cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), intra-oral scans and digital photography, supports the clinician and the patient to achieve a comprehensive diagnosis and to better communicate the expected results to the patient. Furthermore, this digital treatment exercise based on anatomical and biological principles will facilitate the surgical precision and the achievement of successful outcomes, thus fulfilling the patient needs and expectations.