World Workshop on Oral Medicine VIII:高リスク心疾患患者に対する感染性心内膜炎予防ガイドラインに対する歯科医師の遵守状況:系統的レビュー
World Workshop on Oral Medicine VIII: Dentists' compliance with infective endocarditis prophylaxis guidelines for patients with high-risk cardiac conditions: a systematic review.
PMID: 37105883
OBJECTIVE: To determine dentists' awareness and/or adherence to antibiotic prophylaxis (AP) guidelines for preventing infective endocarditis (IE) in patients with high-risk heart conditions.
MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Proquest, Embase, Dentistry, Oral Sciences Sourceの各データベースにおいて、Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysesのチェックリストに従って系統的な文献レビューを行った。2007年以降に発表された、歯科医師によるアンケート、調査、インタビューに基づく全国規模の研究を対象とした。
STUDY DESIGN: A systematic literature review was performed on MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Proquest, Embase, Dentistry, and Oral Sciences Source databases, following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses checklist. Nationwide studies based on questionnaires, surveys, and interviews completed by dentists and published since 2007 were included.
スクリーニングされた2907件の論文から28件の研究が選択された(20カ国にわたる)。収録された研究の質は、標準的な評価ツールの欠如、低い回答率、質問票の妥当性および/または信頼性の欠如のために低かった。調査対象の歯科医の約75%がAPガイドラインについて知識があると報告したが、遵守していたのは約25%のみであった。米国心臓協会(AHA)ガイドラインの遵守率は、National Institute for Health and Care Excellence(NICE)勧告の4倍であった。他の国のAPガイドラインでも最も高い遵守率が報告された。AHAガイドラインの推定遵守率と、医師および/または循環器専門医に助言を求めると報告した歯科医師の割合には、有意な地域差が認められた。
RESULTS: From 2907 articles screened, 28 studies were selected (across 20 countries). The quality of included studies was poor due to a lack of standard evaluation tools, low response rates, and lack of questionnaire validity and/or reliability. Approximately 75% of surveyed dentists reported being knowledgeable about AP guidelines, but only ∼25% complied. Reported compliance with American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines was 4 times higher than with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommendations. Some of the highest adherence rates were reported for other national AP guidelines. Significant geographic differences were observed in the estimated adherence to AHA guidelines and the percentage of dentists who reported seeking advice from physicians and/or cardiologists.
CONCLUSION: Rates of compliance and/or adherence were substantially different from rates of knowledge and/or awareness, including relevant geographic dissimilarities. Compliance/adherence was higher for AHA than NICE.