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J Adv Prosthodont.2023 Apr;15(2):72-79.


The comparison of the accuracy of temporary crowns fabricated with several 3D printers and a milling machine.

PMID: 37153009




PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to compare the accuracy of various 3D printers and a milling machine.


金型モデルはCAD(Autodesk Inventor 2018 sp3)を用いて設計した。金型に30μmのセメントスペースを付与し、CAD(ExoCAD)を用いて下顎左側第一大臼歯の理想的な歯冠を設計した。ミリングマシン(Imes-icore 250i)と3Dプリンター(Zenith U、Zenith D、W11)を用いてクラウンを製作し、4群に分けた。すべてのグループにおいて、各クラウンの内部をスキャンし(Identica blue)、事前に設計した金型と重ね合わせた(Geomagic Control X)。金型と実際のクラウンの差を特定のポイントで測定した。統計解析ソフトウェアを用いて、クラスカル・ワリス検定、マン・ホイットニー検定、およびボンフェローニ法を行った(群間比較では0.008未満、群内比較では0.001未満)。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The die model was designed using CAD (Autodesk Inventor 2018 sp3). The 30 µm cement space was given to the die and the ideal crown of the mandibular left first molar was designed using CAD (ExoCAD). The crowns were produced using the milling machine (Imes-icore 250i) and the 3D printers (Zenith U, Zenith D, W11) and they were divided into four groups. In all groups, the interior of each crown was scanned (Identica blue) and superimposed (Geomagic Control X) with the previously designed die. The difference between the die and the actual crown was measured at specific points. The Kruskal-Wallis test, the Mann-Whitney test, and Bonferroni's method were performed with a statistical analysis software ( < .008 in inter-group comparison < .001 in intra-group comparison).



RESULTS: In all groups, the center of the occlusal area and the anti-rotational dimple area showed significantly greater difference and the marginal area showed the smallest difference comparatively. The mean value of the difference in each area and the sum of the differences were higher in order of W11, Imes-icore 250i, Zenith D, and Zenith U.



CONCLUSION: The digital light processing (DLP) method shows higher accuracy compared to the sereolithography (SLA) method using the same resin material.