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Pain Manag Nurs.2023 Dec;24(6):650-658.


Effects of Multimodal Exercise on Health-related Physical Fitness and Quality of Life in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma during Radiotherapy.

PMID: 37198043




BACKGROUND: The health-related physical fitness of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma can decrease significantly during radiotherapy, which can adversely affect their quality of life.



AIM: This study was designed to evaluate the potential influence of a multimodal exercise program on the health-related physical fitness and quality of life of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma during radiotherapy.



METHODS: Forty patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma undergoing radiotherapy in the First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University from May to November 2019 were included. The participants in the control group (N=20) received routine nursing, while those in the intervention group (N=20) were also subjected to the multimodal exercise program during radiotherapy.


多動的運動プログラムは参加者に肯定的な効果をもたらした。介入群のステップテスト指数は対照群と比較して有意に高かった(p < 0.05)。低速(60°/s)5回、高速(180°/s)10回を行ったところ、介入群では肘関節、肩関節、膝関節の伸筋、屈筋の機能が著しく改善した(p < 0.05)。介入群では、右手の握力が有意に改善した(p < .01)。さらに、介入群の上肢背掻テストは対照群より有意に良好であった(p<0.05)。介入群の身体的機能、情緒的機能、社会的機能のスコアは、対照群と比較して有意に高いことが認められた(p<0.05)。

RESULTS: The multimodal exercise program had a positive effect on participants. The step test index in the intervention group was significantly higher as compared to the control group (p < .05). The participants were subjected to 5 times slow speed (60°/s) and 10 times fast (180°/s) speed, and function of some extensor and flexor muscles of the elbow, shoulder, and knee joints in the intervention group was markedly improved (p < .05). In the intervention group, the grip strength of the right hand was observed to be significantly improved (p < .01). Furthermore, the upper limb scratch dorsal test of intervention group was significantly better than that of the control group (p < .05). The scores of physical, emotional, and social functions in the intervention group were found to be significantly higher as compared to the control group (p < .05).



CONCLUSIONS: The multimodal exercise program significantly improved the health-related physical fitness and life quality of the patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma during radiotherapy, though its long-term effects remain to be further analyzed.