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J Conserv Dent.2023;26(2):230-235.


Clinical evaluation of winged versus wingless rubber dam clamps in single tooth isolation - A randomized clinical study.

PMID: 37205893




CONTEXT: Retention of the rubber dam is done with metallic or nonmetallic clamps for isolation. The two types of metallic clamps most frequently used are winged and wingless. The clinical efficacy of both clamps is needed to be compared.



AIM: The aim of the study was to evaluate and compare the postoperative pain and clinical efficacy of winged clamps and wingless metallic clamps in rubber dam isolation of permanent molars in class I restoration.


倫理的承認およびCTRI登録後、インフォームド・コンセントを得た軽度から中等度の深在性クラスIう蝕患者60名を対象とし、無作為に2群に割り付けた:A群-翼状クランプ群およびB群-翼状クランプ群に無作為に割り付け、各群30名とした。局所麻酔を行い、標準化されたプロトコールに従ってラバーダムを用いて歯を隔離した。術後の評価は、6時間後と12時間後にVerbal Rating Scale(VRS)を用いて痛みを評価し、歯肉組織の外傷、クランプの封鎖能力、クランプの滑りをラバーダム防湿の臨床評価基準を用いて評価した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: After obtaining ethical approval and CTRI registration, a total of 60 patients with mild-to-moderate deep class I caries were included after obtaining informed consent and randomly allocated into two assigned groups: Group A - winged clamp and Group B - wingless clamp, with = 30 per group. Local anesthesia was administered and the tooth was isolated using a rubber dam as per the standardized protocol. The postoperative evaluation was done for pain using the Verbal Rating Scale (VRS) at 6 and 12 h; trauma to the gingival tissues, sealing ability of the clamp, and slippage of the clamp were evaluated using criteria for clinical evaluation of rubber dam isolation.



STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Independent -test and Chi-square test were used to compare VRS and clinical parameters, respectively, with < 0.05.


歯肉外傷(= 0.006)および術後疼痛は、6時間後(= 0.016)および12時間後(0.01)において、無翼群において統計学的に有意に多かった。だ液の滲出は無翼群(= 0.017)で統計的に有意に少なかった。スリップは有翼群でより多く観察されたが、統計的には有意ではなかった。

RESULTS: Gingival trauma ( = 0.006) and postoperative pain were statistically significantly more in the wingless group at 6 h ( = 0.016) and 12 h (0.01). Statistically significant lower seepage of fluid ( = 0.017) was observed in the wingless group. Slippage was observed more with the winged group but was statistically insignificant.



CONCLUSION: Both clamps showed acceptable clinical performance. Their use should be planned as per the requisite of the case and the position of the tooth.