Prolonged breastfeeding and dental caries in preschool children.
PMID: 37211628
PURPOSE: To explore breastfeeding from 6 to 18 months of age and to study the association between breastfeeding and caries prevalence at 5 years of age.
本研究は、ノルウェーのある郡の1088人の小児を対象とし、Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study(MoBa)に基づいて行われた。児童は5歳時に臨床歯科検診を受け、両親は母乳育児、口腔衛生行動、児童の特性に関する情報を含む質問票に回答した。多変量ロジスティック回帰を行った。本研究は倫理的に承認された。
METHODS: The study included 1088 children from one Norwegian county and was based on the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). The children had clinical dental examination at 5 years of age, and parents answered a questionnaire, which included information on breastfeeding, oral health behaviour and child characteristic. Multivariate logistic regressions were performed. The study was ethically approved.
調査対象児のうち、77%が生後6ヵ月の時点で母乳栄養であり、16%が生後18ヵ月の時点でも母乳栄養であった。生後18ヵ月の時点で夜間授乳を受けていた子どもは6%と少なかったが、11%は夜間に糖分を含む飲料を摂取していた。生後18ヵ月までの母乳育児と5歳時の齲蝕有病率との間に関連は認められなかった(>0.05)。生後18ヵ月の時点で、歯磨きが1日2回未満(OR 2.4、CI 1.5-3.9)、砂糖入り飲料の摂取頻度が週1回以上(OR 1.7、CI 1.1-2.7)、親が非西洋人(OR 3.4、CI 1.5-8.1)の小児は、他の小児よりも5歳時のう蝕罹患率が高かった。
RESULTS: Of the studied children, 77% were breastfed at 6 months of age and 16% were still breastfed at 18 months of age. Few children (6%) were breastfed during night at 18 months of age, while 11% received sugary drink during night. No association was found between breastfeeding up to 18 months of age and caries prevalence at 5 years of age ( > .05). Children who at 18 months of age had their teeth brushed less than twice daily (OR 2.4, CI 1.5-3.9), consumed sugary drink once a week or more often (OR 1.7, CI 1.1-2.7) and had non-Western parents (OR 3.4, CI 1.5-8.1) were more likely to have caries experience at 5 years of age than other children.
CONCLUSION: Breastfeeding up to 18 months of age was not associated with caries development during preschool age.