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Int J Prosthodont.2023 Jun;

クラウンおよび固定式部分床義歯の破損を評価するための調査:In Vivo研究

A Survey to Assess The Failure in Crowns and Fixed Partial Dentures: An In Vivo Study.

PMID: 37273182




PURPOSE: As the prevalence of failures of fixed prostheses have increased the need to assess the causes of failure of such prostheses have also increased to avoid all possible errors and thus achieving efficient treatment. This study was done to assess and survey clinically the failure rates of the fixed prosthesis according to the dental supported fixed prosthetic failure scale.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 156 patients were selected for the study who reported to the Department of fixed prosthodontics with complaints related to fixed dental prosthesis. Failure classification in prosthetic restorations was made with Manappallil's failure level scale. The SPSS program version 22 was used for statistical analysis. Relationships between categorical variables were determined by a Chi-square test.


合計253の固定式歯科補綴物の不具合が評価された。故障の大部分(39%)は、使用不能な修復物を含むクラス3故障であった。PFM(Porcelain Fused to Metal)補綴物は、他のタイプの補綴物よりも多くの失敗率(79%)を示した。この結果は、補綴物のタイプおよび歯列弓における位置によって、補綴物の破損クラスに統計学的に有意な差があることを示している。

RESULTS: A total number of 253 failed fixed dental prostheses were evaluated. Majority of failures (39%) were found to be class 3 failure, which include unserviceable restorations. Porcelain fused to metal (PFM) prostheses showed more failure percentage (79%) than other types of prostheses. The results shows a statistically significant difference in the failure class of prosthesis according to prosthesis type, and its position in the dental arch.



CONCLUSION: Within the limitation of this survey, it was found that almost all of failed prostheses require replacement and the patients applied to the prosthodontics clinic when the rate of complications increased. Therefore proper patient selection, careful diagnosis, treatment planning, clinical and technical skills, and plane schedule of follow-up care must be kept in mind to provide successful treatment.


補綴学的失敗の重症度を知ることで、適切な治療計画を立て、修復物が長期予後を持つようにすることができる。Int J Prosthodont.10.11607/ijp.8632.

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: By knowing the severity of the prosthodontics failures, we can provide a proper treatment plan so that the restoration will have a long time prognosis. Int J Prosthodont. 10.11607/ijp.8632.