Lip and Tongue pressure and the functionality of Orofacial structures in healthy individuals.
PMID: 37282365
BACKGROUND: With the aging process changes in the musculature of orofacial structures take place, consequently there is a reduction in the strength and mobility of the lips, tongue and cheeks.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to correlate orofacial structures and chewing and swallowing functions among a group of senior citizens and young adults and check the influence of lip and tongue pressure of these functions.
METHODS: This is an observational, cross-sectional and analytical study. Thirty seniors with an average age of 67.13 years and thirty young adults with an average age of 22.03 years participated in the study. The Orofacial Myofunctional Assessment Protocol with Scores for the Elderly and the Orofacial Myofunctional Assessment Protocol with Expanded Scores were also used. The evaluation of the force of pressure of the lips and tip and dorsum of the tongue were carried out using the Biofeedback device Pró-Fono: Lip and Tongue Pressure.
RESULTS: Young adults had a higher evaluation score for the aspect/posture of the face, cheeks, lips, mentalis muscle, tongue, mobility of lips, tongue, jaw and cheeks, chewing and swallowing functions, total time and chewing strokes, and tip pressure and dorsum of tongue. According to the structural equation modeling, a direct relationship was found between the tongue dorsum pressure force and the swallowing function.
CONCLUSION: With healthy aging changes occurring in the appearance, posture and mobility of the lips, tongue, jaw and cheeks, with the seniors and reduced performance of chewing and swallowing functions.