Analysis of porosity, sealer dissolution and apical extrusion of endodontic sealers: A micro computed tomography study.
PMID: 37293581
本研究の目的は、リン酸緩衝生理食塩水(PBS)に浸漬したAH Plus、MTA Fillapex、EndoSequence BCシーラーの気孔率、溶解度、先端部の押し出しをマイクロコンピュータトモグラフィー(マイクロCT)を用いて測定することである。
AIM: The aim of the study was to determine the porosity, dissolution and apical extrusion of AH Plus, MTA Fillapex and EndoSequence BC sealer after immersion in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) using microcomputed tomography (micro-CT).
48本の単根歯が選択された。ガッタパーチャと前述の根管シーラーのいずれかを使用し、連続波法を用いてオブチュレーションを行った。閉塞後およびPBSに7日間浸漬した後、マイクロコンピュータトモグラフィーを用いて標本をスキャンした。空隙率,シーラの溶解量,先端部の押し出し量を算出した.統計解析は、pair-test、post hoc tukey test、Fischer exact testを用いて行った。
METHODOLOGY: Forty-eight single-rooted teeth were selected. Gutta percha and one of the aforementioned root canal sealers was used for obturation using continuous wave technique. The specimens were scanned after obturation and after seven days of immersion in PBS, by using micro-computed tomography. Porosity, sealer dissolution and apical extrusion were calculated. Statistical analysis was done by using paired -test, post hoc tukey test and Fischer exact test.
MTA FillapexおよびEndoSequence BCシーラーは、AH Plusに比べ、先端4mmの空隙率およびシーラーの溶解率が有意に高いことが判明した。また、先端部の押し出しはMTA Fillapex(56.25%)で有意に多く、次いでEndoSequence BC(31.25%)、AH Plus(0%)であった。
RESULTS: Significantly higher percentage of porosity and dissolution of sealer in the apical 4 mm was found for MTA Fillapex and EndoSequence BC sealer than for AH Plus. The incidence of apical extrusion was significantly more in MTA Fillapex (56.25%), followed by EndoSequence BC (31.25%) and AH Plus (0%).
CONCLUSIONS: None of the three root canal sealers exhibited perfect three-dimensional obturation. The sealers manifested porosity, dissolution and apical extrusion to varying degrees both after obturation and after storage in PBS for 7 days.