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J Orthod Sci.2023;12:22.


Effect of orthodontic retraction force on thick and thin gingival biotypes in different grades of gingival recession and alveolar bone quality: A finite element analysis.

PMID: 37351407




INTRODUCTION: To evaluate the effect of orthodontic retraction force on thick and thin gingival biotypes of anterior teeth having grade I and II gingival recession with D1 and D2 alveolar bone densities by assessing the displacement of teeth and deformation in gingival tissue, along with evaluating the amount of equivalent stress on teeth and gingiva in finite element model.



MATERIALS AND METHOD: Based on cone-beam computed tomography datasets, eight models (LC01-LC08) of maxilla with appliance assembly were created. A retraction load of 150 gm was applied on each model during the finite element analysis (FEA), and then values of teeth displacement, gingival deformation, and von Mises stress were evaluated.


骨密度D1の模型(LC01-04)はすべて歯肉の変形が認められたが、骨質D2の模型(LC05-08)では有意な結果は認められなかった。各モデルの歯と歯肉組織のvon Mises応力量は、中切歯と側切歯で同じであった。

RESULT: All the models with D1 bone density (LC01-04) were showing gingival deformation, whereas models with D2 bone quality (LC05-08) give no significant outcome. The amount of von Mises stress for teeth and gingival tissue in each model was the same for both central and lateral incisors.



CONCLUSION: All the models having D1 bone quality showed greater gingival deformation after applying retraction force, whereas in models with D2 bone density, deformation was not significant. Changes in gingival tissue are brought about by orthodontic treatment, which also helps to correct the periodontal defects; however, bone density plays a significant role in improving gingival recession.