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Clin Implant Dent Relat Res.2024 Apr;26(2):281-288.

異なる修復材料で作製されたCAD/CAM ワンピース スクリューリテイン ハイブリッド アバットメント クラウンの耐摩耗性

Wear resistance of CAD/CAM one-piece screw-retained hybrid-abutment-crowns made from different restorative materials.

PMID: 37408517




INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to measure the wear progress of three high performance polymers (HPP) materials as well as that of zirconia after artificial aging (simulated 2.5- and 5-year of clinical service with thermo-mechanical loading) and compare it with the well-documented wear of lithium disilicate.


40本のインプラントを用いて上顎第一小臼歯を修復し、アバットメントとクラウンをハイブリッドアバットメントクラウンとして製作し、チタンインサートを用いてインプラントに連結した。インプラントは、使用する修復材料によって、3Y-TZPジルコニア(Z)、二ケイ酸リチウム(L)、セラミック強化ポリエーテルエーテルケトン(P)、ナノハイブリッドコンポジットレジン(C)、ポリマー包埋セラミックネットワーク(E)の5つのグループに無作為に分けられた。すべてのハイブリッドアバットメントクラウンは、CAD/CAM技術を用いて製作された。上顎第一小臼歯の頬側咬頭と口蓋側咬頭の角度を120°に設定し、平面として設計した。修復物は、各材料のメーカー推奨に従って、デュアルキュア合着レジンによって、チタンインサート上に接着的に合着されましたが、P群は例外で、チタンインサートと一体化したブロックがプレフィット(熱プレス)されました。上部構造は、チタン製スクリューでインプラントに組み立てた。ネジ溝はテフロンテープで密閉され、高光沢に研磨されたコンポジットレジン充填材が使用された。すべての試料は、2軸咀嚼シミュレーターで49Nの熱力学的負荷サイクルを1200000回受けた。600,000サイクル後と1200,000サイクル後に、すべての試験片についてエラストマー印象材を作製した。対応する印象はレーザー走査型顕微鏡を用いて画像化し、ソフトウェア(Geomagic Wrap)を用いて3D解析を行い、すべての試験片について摩耗部の体積損失を測定した。統計分析は、各材料の2つの異なる時間測定に関して、ウィルコクソン検定を使用して行った。材料変数の分析には、Kruskal-Wallis検定に続いてMann-Whitney検定を実施した。

METHODS: Forty implants were used to restore a maxillary first premolar, where the abutment and the crown were manufactured as hybrid-abutment-crown and connected to the implant using a titanium insert. The implants were randomly divided, according to the restorative materials used, into five groups: 3Y-TZP zirconia (Z), lithium disilicate (L), ceramic-reinforced polyetheretherketon (P), nano-hybrid composite resin (C) and polymer-infiltrated ceramic-network (E). All hybrid-abutment-crowns were produced using CAD/CAM technology. A design of a maxillary first premolar was created with an angle of 120° between the buccal and palatal cusps, which were designed as planes. The restorations were adhesively luted onto the titanium inserts, according to the manufacturers' recommendations for each material individually, by means of dual-curing luting resin with the exception of group P, where the blocks were pre-fitted (heat-pressed) with an integrated titanium insert. The suprastructures were assembled onto the implants through titanium screws. The screw channels were sealed with Teflon tape and composite resin filling material that was polished to high-gloss. All specimens underwent 1 200 000 thermo-dynamic loading cycles with 49 N in a dual-axis chewing simulator. Elastomeric impressions were made for all specimens after 600 000 and after 1 200 000 cycles. The corresponding impressions were imaged using a laser scanning microscope and then 3D-analyzed using the software (Geomagic Wrap) to measure the volume loss of the wear area for all specimens. Statistical analysis was performed using Wilcoxon-Test regarding the two different time measurements for each material. For the analysis of the material variable, Kruskal-Wallis test was conducted followed by Mann-Whitney test.



RESULTS: Group Z showed statistically the lowest volume loss compared to the other test materials, both after 600 000 and 1 200 000 cycles of artificial aging, with a median value of 0.002 mm volume loss after 1 200 000 cycles. In contrast, group E showed the highest volume loss with median values of 0.18 and 0.3 mm after 600 000 and 1 200 000 cycles, respectively. Artificial aging had significantly negative effect on the volume loss for all test materials. In addition, the choice of material had statistical influence on the outcome.



CONCLUSION: Monolithic zirconia ceramic demonstrated lower wear than that reported for enamel after simulated 5-year of clinical service, whereas all other test materials showed higher volume loss after artificial aging.