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Clin Oral Investig.2023 Aug;27(8):4131-4146.


Effect of the use of platelet concentrates on new bone formation in alveolar ridge preservation: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and trial sequential analysis.

PMID: 37439800




OBJECTIVES: To investigate the histomorphometric changes occurring in alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) based on the use of different plasma concentrates (PCs) in randomized clinical trials (RCT). There is controversy whether the placement of PCs in ARP is effective in the formation of new bone.


PICOの問いに答えるため、PubMed、Scopus、Web of Science、Cochrane Databaseでシステマティックレビュー検索を行った:抜歯後に ARP を行った患者において、自然治癒と比較して抜歯後の窩洞に PC を単独で埋入することは、10 週間以上経過した後の組織形態学的分析において新生骨形成率を改善するか?バイアスのリスクを評価し、メタ解析を行った。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic review search was conducted in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Cochrane Database to answer the PICO question: In patients undergoing tooth extraction followed by ARP, do PCs alone in the post-extraction socket in comparison with spontaneous healing improve new vital bone formation percentage in histomorphometric analysis after more than 10 weeks? The risk of bias was assessed and a meta-analysis was conducted.



RESULTS: Of 3809 results, 8 studies were considered suitable for inclusion. A total of 255 teeth were extracted in 250 patients. Regarding the PCs used, ARP was performed with platelet- and leukocyte-rich fibrin (L-PRF) in 120 sockets, and with pure platelet-rich plasma (P-PRP) in 31 sockets and 104 sockets were controlled. PCs improved new bone formation in ARP with respect to the spontaneous healing group (SMD = 1.77, 95%C.I. = 1.47-2.06, p-value < 000.1). There were no differences between the different PCs (L-PRF and P-PRP).



CONCLUSION: The results of this meta-analysis support the efficacy of the use of PCs in new bone formation in ARP. With respect to the different types of PCs studied, no differences were observed.



CLINICAL RELEVANCE: When planning implant surgery after tooth extraction, treatment with PCs should be considered for ARP. Any PC increases new bone formation compared to spontaneous healing.