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J Endod.2023 Sep;49(9):1120-1128.


Outcome of Partial Pulpotomy in Immature Permanent Teeth with Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis: A Prospective Case Series Assessment.

PMID: 37442339




INTRODUCTION: The aim of this prospective case series was to assess the clinical and radiographic outcome of partial pulpotomy in caries-exposed symptomatic, vital, immature, permanent molars.


深いう蝕と不可逆的歯髄炎の症状を有する34本の未成熟臼歯を部分歯髄ポトミーとキャップ材としてProRoot MTAを用いて治療した。う蝕を完全に除去した後、炎症部分の歯髄を除去した。最初は次亜塩素酸ナトリウム1.5%で、次に滅菌生理食塩水で湿らせた滅菌綿ペレットを用いて完全止血を行った。ProRoot MTA (Dentsply Sirona, Charlotte, NC)をキャッピング材として残存歯髄組織に埋入した。窩洞は、光重合レジン添加Ca(OH)窩洞ライナーで封鎖し、患者は永久修復のために小児歯科医に紹介された。処置前、処置中、処置後に調査した変数を含む記述統計およびクロス集計を行った。

METHODS: Thirty-four immature molars with deep caries and symptoms of irreversible pulpitis were treated by partial pulpotomy and ProRoot MTA as a capping material. After complete caries removal, the inflamed part of the pulp was removed. Complete hemostasis was achieved using a sterile cotton pellet moist initially with sodium hypochlorite 1.5% and then with sterile saline. ProRoot MTA (Dentsply Sirona, Charlotte, NC) was placed as a capping material onto the remaining pulp tissue. The cavity was sealed using a light-curing resin-modified Ca(OH) cavity liner, and patients were referred to a pediatric dentist for permanent restoration. Descriptive statistics and cross tabulations were performed including variables examined before, during, and after the procedure.



RESULTS: All examined teeth presented a favorable clinical and radiographic outcome with normal periapical tissues, complete apical closure, and formation of a dentinal bridge beneath the capping material. Signs of partial pulp chamber calcification were only detected in 2 cases. Postoperatively, most patients did not report any pain (23/34, 67.7%), whereas the rest reported minor intensity pain (11/34, 32.3) and the use of analgesic or anti-inflammatory drugs only for 1 day (10/34, 29.4%).



CONCLUSIONS: Partial pulpotomy seems to provide a universally successful outcome when managing symptomatic vital immature teeth with no signs of complications and completion of apical closure. It could be a viable treatment of choice in cases of caries-exposed vital immature teeth with symptoms of irreversible pulpitis.