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Healthcare (Basel).2023 Jun;11(13).


Patterns of Third-Molar-Pericoronitis-Related Pain: A Morphometrical Observational Retrospective Study.

PMID: 37444724




BACKGROUND: Mandibular third molar (M3M) removal and the management of postoperative complications represent a common matter of interest in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Pain represents a great symptom for patients affected by pericoronitis and it is the most common indication for third molar removal. The aim of the present article is to search for patterns of pre-operative pain in patients before undergoing third molar surgery and to test for a relation between some patterns of symptoms, such as pain intensity, site of symptomatic tooth, and referred area of pain.


このレトロスペクティブ観察研究では、シエナ大学ポリクリニコ "レ・スコッテ "口腔外科、メディカルバイオテクノロジー科で外来第三大臼歯抜歯を予定していた年齢(平均±SD)34.54±13.62歳(範囲17-78歳)の患者86名を登録した。口腔周囲炎と疼痛が患者の症状であり、抜歯の適応であった。包含基準は、術前のパノラマX線写真で確認された部分的な第三大臼歯の埋伏と術前の疼痛であった。除外基準は、既知の神経疾患(三叉神経または顔面神経損傷の既往など)、コミュニケーション障害または認知疾患、糖尿病の診断、データ収集前30日以内の口腔外科的介入とした。患者を訪問し、第3大臼歯に関連する痛みの知覚について形態分析的質問票に回答してもらった。解析は、年齢、年齢範囲、患者の性別、第3大臼歯抜歯の既往、臼歯周囲炎の部位、疼痛スコア(1~10)、疼痛部位について統計的評価を行った。両側が0.05未満の値は、特に指定がなければ有意とみなした。

METHODS: This retrospective observational study enrolled a total of 86 patients, aged (mean ± SD) 34.54 ± 13.62 years (range 17-78 years), scheduled for outpatient third molar extraction at the Oral Surgery School, Department of Medical Biotechnologies, Policlinico "Le Scotte", University of Siena. Pericoronitis and pain were the symptoms of the patients and the indication of extraction. Inclusion criteria were the presence of partially impacted third molars, confirmed with a preoperative panoramic radiograph, and preoperative pain. Exclusion criteria were known neurological disease (such as previous trigeminal or facial nerve injuries), impaired communicative or cognitive disease, diagnosed diabetes mellitus, and oral surgical intervention within 30 days before data collection. Patients were visited and asked to answer a morphometric analytic questionnaire about their perception of pain referred to the third molar. Analyses were performed on statistical evaluation on age, age ranges, patient gender, prior third molar extraction, site of pericoronitis, pain score (1-10), and pain area. Two-tailed values of less than 0.05 were considered significant if not otherwise specified.


年齢、性別、抜歯経験、歯の部位(上顎と下顎)、疼痛スコア、疼痛面積の間に相関は認められなかった。86例の第3大臼歯周囲炎の痛みのパターンが報告された。疼痛スコアと疼痛面積の間に有意な相関が認められた(= 0.0111, = 0.3131)。

RESULTS: No correlations were found between age, gender, previous extraction, tooth site (maxillar on mandible), pain score, and pain area. Patterns of third molar pericoronitis pain among 86 patients were reported. A significant correlation was found between pain score and pain area ( = 0.0111, = 0.3131).



CONCLUSIONS: Pain intensity has indeed some kind of responsibility in determining the orofacial distribution of pain. The pain area referral patterns of the present article could be considered as a pain model resulting from the pericoronitis of maxillar and mandibular third molars.