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Quintessence Int.2023 Oct;54(9):698-711.


Treatment success of carious primary molars with marginal breakdown: comparison of three treatment approaches in a real-world clinical setting (using decision tree analysis).

PMID: 37497788



小臼歯う蝕の治療は、特に幼児においては常に適応となる。しかし、マージナルブレークダウンを伴うクラスⅡう蝕大臼歯(International Caries Detection and Assessment System [ICDAS] 5)に対する最良の治療アプローチを正確に説明する明確なガイドラインは存在しない。この前向き観察臨床研究の目的は、小臼歯のICDAS 5クラスⅡ病変の治療における3つの修復テクニック(コンポマー充填(CF)、形成前金属冠(PMC)、歯髄切開と従来の形成前金属冠(PMC+P))の有効性を評価することであった。副次的な目的は、いくつかの因子が治療経過に及ぼす影響を評価することであった。

OBJECTIVES: Treatment of carious primary molars is always indicated, especially on young children; however, there are no clear guidelines that precisely explain the best treatment approach for Class II carious molars with marginal breakdown (International Caries Detection and Assessment System [ICDAS] 5). The objective of this prospective observational clinical study was to assess the efficacy of three restorative techniques in treating ICDAS 5 Class II lesions in primary molars: compomer fillings (CF), preformed metal crowns (PMC), and pulpotomy and conventional preformed metal crowns (PMC+P). The secondary goal was to evaluate the impact of some cofactors on the course of treatment.



METHOD AND MATERIALS: Overall, 92 children (female, n = 50, 54.3%; male, n = 42, 45.7%) aged 2 to 9 years old (mean age = 5.9 ± 1.9 years) with 166 treated teeth were included. The average number of decayed, missing, or filled teeth (d3mft) of the whole sample was 8.0 ± 3.4. The distribution of the sample according to type of treatment was CF = 53 (31.9%), PMC = 64 (38.6%), and PMC+P = 49 (29.5%). Paired t test, nonparametric Friedman ANOVA test, and decision tree analysis were used as the basis for the statistics.


12ヵ月後、75.8%(72/95)の治療患者のデータが解析可能であり、治療歯の62.0%(103/166)に相当した(CF=42/53、79.2%; PMC=38/64、59.4%; PMC+P=23/49、46.9%)。患者の平均年齢は6.8±1.8歳で、男児32人(47.1%)、女児36人(52.9%)であった。残りのサンプルの平均d3mftは7.8±3.35であった。PMC群およびPMC+P群では、成功率が最も高く(91%以上)、CF群では成功率が最も低く(61.9%)、CF群の9/42歯(21.4%)が軽度失敗、7/42歯(16.7%)が重度失敗であった(P < 0.0001)。

RESULTS: After 12 months, data from 75.8% (72/95) treated patients, corresponding to 62.0% (103/166) of the treated teeth (CF = 42/53, 79.2%; PMC = 38/64, 59.4%; PMC+P = 23/49, 46.9%) were available for analysis. The mean patients age was 6.8 ± 1.8 years; 32 (47.1%) boys and 36 (52.9%) girls. The mean d3mft of the remaining sample was 7.8 ± 3.35. PMC and PMC+P arms showed the highest success rates (> 91%) as compared to the CF arm, which showed the lowest success rates (61.9%), with 9/42 teeth of the CF group (21.4%) presenting with minor failures, and 7/42 teeth (16.7%) with major failures (P < .0001).



CONCLUSION: According to the decision tree analysis, PMC and PMC+P had a success rate of 99%, whereas CF had a success rate of only 69%. Some cofactors (treatment decision, Approximal Plaque Index, and tooth number) had a higher impact on the decision tree analysis than others (age, dmfs, and dmft values), especially when the treatment selection was CF. In future studies it is necessary to examine the impact of other cofactors on the outcomes of conventional fillings using a larger sample size.