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J Endod.2023 Sep;49(9):1154-1160.


Canal Drying Protocols to Use with Calcium Silicate-based Sealer: Effect on Bond Strength and Adhesive Interface.

PMID: 37516237



本研究の目的は、Bio-Cシーラー(BCS; Angelus, Londrina, Paraná, Brazil)を充填した根管において、さまざまな管路乾燥プロトコルが接着強度と接着界面の質に及ぼす影響を評価することである。

INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence on bond strength and interface quality of different canal drying protocols in roots filled with Bio-C Sealer (BCS; Angelus, Londrina, Paraná, Brazil).


上顎犬歯の96根をR50ファイル(Reciproc; VDW GmbH、ドイツ、ミュンヘン)で準備し、超音波攪拌下で2.5%次亜塩素酸ナトリウムと17%EDTAで灌流した。歯根は、次のような乾燥プロトコールに従って分割した:乾燥:ホワイトマックチップ(Ultradent, Indaiatuba, SP, Brazil)を5秒間、続いてキャピラリーチップで5秒間吸引し、ペーパーポイント;わずかに湿潤:ホワイトマックチップの後にペーパーポイントなしでキャピラリー吸引;湿潤:ホワイトマックチップの後にペーパーポイント1点。歯根にBCSまたはAHプラス(AHP; Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland)を充填し(n=16)、3ヵ月後に押し出し試験のために切開した。破壊モードが評価され、界面形態が走査型電子顕微鏡で分析された。6ヵ月後、残りの半分の根を評価した。データは5%での分散分析/Tukey検定で分析した。故障解析にはカイ二乗検定を、界面解析にはKruskal-Wallis/Dwass-Steel-Critchlow-Flignerを用いた。

METHODS: Ninety-six roots of upper canines were prepared with an R50 file (Reciproc; VDW GmbH, Munich, Germany) and irrigated with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and 17% EDTA under ultrasonic agitation. Roots were divided according to the drying protocol as follows: dry, the White Mac tip (Ultradent, Indaiatuba, SP, Brazil) for 5 seconds followed by aspiration with a capillary tip for 5 seconds and paper points; slightly moist, the White Mac tip followed by capillary aspiration without paper points; wet, the White Mac tip followed by a single paper point. The roots were filled with BCS or AH Plus (AHP; Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) (n = 16) and sectioned for the push-out test after 3 months. Failure modes were assessed, and the interface morphology was analyzed under scanning electron microscopy. After 6 months, the other half of the roots were evaluated. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance/Tukey test at 5%. The chi-square test was used in the failure analysis and the Kruskal-Wallis/Dwass-Steel-Critchlow-Fligner for interface analysis.



RESULTS: The AHP-filled roots had the highest bond strength when the canal was dried (P < .05). No difference was found for periods (P > .05). For BCS, the highest bond strength was found in the slightly moist canals (P < .05). A predominance of adhesive failures was observed. The dried canals filled with AHP had the highest percentage of good adaptation, whereas BCS had no difference.



CONCLUSIONS: The best drying protocol for AHP is using the White Mac tip followed by capillary tip aspiration and paper points until complete dryness, and for BCS, it is using the White Mac tip followed by capillary aspiration without paper points.