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J Endod.2023 Oct;49(10):1262-1268.


The Effect of Unintentional AH-Plus Sealer Extrusion on Resolution of Apical Periodontitis After Root Canal Treatment and Retreatment-A Retrospective Case-control Study.

PMID: 37516239




INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to investigate the effect of unintentional AH Plus sealer extrusion on the outcome of nonsurgical root canal treatment and retreatment in teeth with apical periodontitis (AP) compared to teeth with AP and no sealer extrusion at the 1-year follow-up.


2016年9月~2021年9月に実施した後方視的症例対照研究において、治療前にAPの臨床的およびX線学的徴候を呈した歯を対象とした。本研究は2群で構成された:AH Plusシーラー押し出し群(n=60):初回根管治療または非外科的再治療で、意図せずAH Plusシーラーが先端から押し出された群、およびAH Plusシーラー押し出しなし群(n=60):シーラー押し出しなしで同じ種類の治療を受けた群。性別、年齢、歯の種類、歯の位置、および治療タイプを含むその他の因子が、転帰予測因子として記録された。1年後の経過観察時に、歯は臨床的およびX線写真的に評価され、転帰は良好(治癒/治癒)または不良(不確実/非治癒)に分類された。データ解析には、χ検定、ロジスティック回帰、Mann-Whitney U検定などの統計解析を用いた。

METHODS: In a retrospective case-control study conducted from September 2016 to September 2021, teeth presenting clinical and radiographic signs of AP prior to treatment were included. The study comprised 2 groups: AH Plus sealer extrusion group (n = 60): initial root canal treatment or nonsurgical retreatment with unintentional apical extrusion of AH Plus sealer; and no AH Plus sealer extrusion group (n = 60): underwent the same treatment types without sealer extrusion. Additional factors, including sex, age, tooth type, tooth location, and treatment type, were recorded as potential outcome predictors. At 1-year follow-up, teeth were evaluated clinically and radiographically, and outcomes were classified as favorable (healed/healing) or unfavorable (uncertain/non-healing). Statistical analyses, such as the χ test, logistic regression, and Mann-Whitney U test, were employed for data analysis.



RESULTS: A favorable outcome was observed in 88.4% and 85% of the cases of the AH Plus sealer extrusion and no AH Plus sealer extrusion groups, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of outcomes (P > .05) when analyzed categorically or ordinally. Of independent variables, nonsurgical retreatment showed lower healing of AP in both groups.


意図的でないAH Plusシーラーの押し出しはAPの治癒に影響しなかった。しかし、初回根管治療は、AH Plusシーラーの押し出しがある場合、非外科的再治療よりもAPの治癒が良好であった。分析した治療成績予測因子は治療成績に影響を及ぼさなかった。

CONCLUSIONS: Unintentional AH Plus sealer extrusion did not affect the healing of AP. However, initial root canal treatment showed better healing of AP than nonsurgical retreatment in the presence of AH Plus sealer extrusion. The analyzed outcome predictors had no effect on treatment outcome.