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J Clin Periodontol.2023 Jul;


Immediate loading of dental implants in edentulous mandibles using Locator attachments or Dolder bars: A 9-year prospective randomized clinical study.

PMID: 37518848




AIM: To evaluate the long-term survival, incidence of prosthetic/technical and biological complications and the oral-health-related quality of life in patients with an edentulous mandible who were fitted with overdentures on two immediately loaded implants in the symphyseal area.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-six patients with edentulous mandibles received two immediately loaded implant-retained dentures with either two Locator attachments or egg-shaped bar attachments. Implant outcomes were recorded after a period of observation of 9 years and included prosthetic complications, modified gingiva index (mGI), modified plaque index (mPI), oral health impact profile (OHIP-G) and radiographic estimation of bone loss.



RESULTS: In 2020/2021, 27 patients with 54 implants were still available for follow-up. In total, nine implants in six patients were lost. Survival was 89.1% in the bar group and 91.3% in the Locator group. Implant success was 84.6% in the Locator group and 76.9% in the bar group. The mPI values were significantly higher in the bar group than in the Locator group, whereas no difference was seen in the mGI values. During the observation period, 152 prosthetic complications occurred, but the OHIP-G score did not differ significantly.


9年間の観察期間中、Locatorアタッチメントと ジョイントバーアタッチメントの間で、インプラントの 生存期間に差はなかった。ジョイントバーアタッチメントは、合併症の発生がやや多かったが、Locator群の患者は口腔衛生を良好に保つことができた。本研究は、ドイツ臨床試験登録(DRKS00004245)に登録された。

CONCLUSIONS: There was no difference in implant survival between Locator or joint bar attachments over a 9-year observation period. Joint bar attachments were associated with slightly more complications, while patients in the Locator group were able to maintain better oral hygiene. The study was registered in the German Register of Clinical (Trials DRKS00004245).