Microbiological Profile of Primary Teeth with Irreversible Pulpitis and Pulp Necrosis with/without Abscess and their Susceptibility to Three Antibiotics as Intracanal Medication.
PMID: 37519959
CONTEXT: The ineffective disinfection potential of conventional intracanal medicaments to eliminate enteropathogens from root canal systems leads to their persistence contributing to endodontic treatment failures. Hence, the use of appropriate intracanal medicament becomes the essential phase to accomplishing comprehensive decontamination of the root canal system. When applied topically as an intracanal medicament, antibiotics eradicate residual microorganisms from tortuous endodontic spaces, minimizing the risk of systemic toxicity.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the prevalence of various bacterial species associated with signs of irreversible pulpitis and pulp necrosis with/without abscess in primary teeth root canals and their susceptibility against three antimicrobial agents.
3~10歳の小児の乳歯(50本)から歯髄組織と器質的破片を採取し、培養した。最小発育阻止濃度(MIC)および最小殺菌濃度(MBC)測定により,分離菌のclindamycin,metronidazoleおよびdoxycyclineに対する菌同定と抗菌性プロファイリングを行った.各抗生物質のMICとMBCは、平均値±標準偏差(SD)、範囲、標準誤差(平均値のSE)で表した。グループ間比較はKruskal-Wallis検定で行い、グループ内一対比較はWilcoxon signed-rank検定で行った。信頼水準は95%とした。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The pulp tissue and organic debris were retrieved from deciduous teeth ( = 50) from children between the age of 3-10 years and cultured. The bacterial identification and antibacterial profiling of isolated bacteria were done against clindamycin, metronidazole, and doxycycline through minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) assay. The MIC and MBC of each antibiotic were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD), range, and standard error (SE of the mean). The intergroup comparisons were done by the Kruskal-Wallis test, while intragroup pair-wise comparisons were done using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The confidence level will be set at 95%.
好気性菌が54%、好気性微好気性菌が76%、通性嫌気性菌が26%、義務的嫌気性菌が30%の歯から分離された。試験薬MICのグループ内およびグループ間比較では、有意差は認められなかった(> 0.05)。全検査薬のグループ内MBC比較では統計学的に有意差はなく(>0.05),グループ間比較では有意差はなく(>0.05)~非常に有意であった(<0.001).
RESULTS: Aerobic bacteria were found in 54%, microaerophilic bacteria in 76%, facultative anaerobes in 26%, and obligatory anaerobes were isolated from 30% of teeth. The intragroup and intergroup comparisons of test agent MIC revealed a nonsignificant difference ( > 0.05). The intragroup MBC comparisons of all the test agents revealed statistically nonsignificant ( > 0.05), while intergroup comparisons demonstrated nonsignificant ( > 0.05) to highly significant difference ( < 0.001).
CONCLUSION: Clindamycin demonstrated promising antibacterial activity against most of the isolated bacteria, while against metronidazole and doxycycline, most of the bacteria were moderate to highly resistant.
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Determining the antibacterial agents' efficacy along with modifications can help to target maximum pathogenic microbes and reduce catastrophic endodontic therapy failures.
Dahake PT, Kothari S. Primary Teeth with Irreversible Pulpitis and Pulp Necrosis with/without Abscess and their Susceptibility of Microbiological Profile of Primary Teeth with Irreversible Pulpitis and Pulp Necrosis with/without Abscess and their Susceptibility as Three Antibiotics as Intracanal Medication.Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2023;16(2):312-320.
HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Dahake PT, Kothari S. Microbiological Profile of Primary Teeth with Irreversible Pulpitis and Pulp Necrosis with/without Abscess and their Susceptibility to Three Antibiotics as Intracanal Medication. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2023;16(2):312-320.