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Int J Clin Pediatr Dent.2023;16(2):302-307.


The Effect of Anxiety and Stress on Acceptance of Dental Procedure before and after Inhalation Sedation in Pediatric Patients: An Study.

PMID: 37519985




AIM: The study aimed to assess the anxiety and stress levels on acceptance of dental treatment in child patients approaching dental extraction procedures before and after nitrous oxide (NO) inhalation sedation (IHS) by measuring serum amyloid A (SAA) and salivary cortisol (SC).


6~10歳の小児32名を無作為にTI(NO IHS前)とTII(NO IHS後)にグループ分けした。唾液サンプルを採取し、処置前後のSAAの生化学的評価を行った。主観的な不安およびストレスレベルは、修正小児歯科不安尺度(MCDAS)を用いて評価した。NO IHS前後の歯科不安、SAA、SCの平均値の比較にはWilcoxon順位和検定を用いた。カール・ピアソン相関係数を用いて、IHS前後の歯科不安とSAAおよびSCの相関を検討した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 32 children, ages ranging from 6 to 10 years, were randomly grouped as TI (before NO IHS) and TII (after NO IHS). Saliva samples were taken for biochemical evaluation of SAA before and after the procedure. Subjectively anxiety and stress levels were evaluated using modified child dental anxiety scale (MCDAS). Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used to compare the means of dental anxiety, SAA, and SC before and after NO IHS. The Karl Pearson correlation coefficient was employed to determine the correlation between dental anxiety and SAA and SC before and after NO IHS.


NO IHS投与後、小児患者の歯科治療不安度に有意差が認められ、歯科治療の受容率も上昇した。

RESULTS: There were significant differences in the dental anxiety level in child patients after administration of NO IHS, and it also showed an increased rate of acceptance of dental treatment.



CONCLUSION: This study showed that NO is a safe and effective method in reducing dental anxiety and increasing acceptance of dental treatment in child patients with improved behavior and with no adverse effects.


不安やストレスは、小児患者の歯科治療、特に抜歯処置中の歯科治療の受容を常に妨げる。NO IHSは、小児患者の不安やストレスを克服し、小児患者が行動を改善しながら歯科治療を受けられるようにする安全で効果的な手法である。

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Anxiety and stress will always hinder the acceptance of dental treatment in child patients, especially during extraction procedures. NO IHS is a safe and effective technique to overcome anxiety and stress in child patients and as well as allows them to undergo dental treatment with improved behavior.


Kunta S, Arora RV, Jain R, The Effect of Anxiety and Stress on Acceptance of Dental Procedure before and after Inhalation Sedation in Pediatric Patients:An Study.Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2023;16(2):302-307.

HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Kunta S, Arora RV, Jain R, The Effect of Anxiety and Stress on Acceptance of Dental Procedure before and after Inhalation Sedation in Pediatric Patients: An Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2023;16(2):302-307.