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J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg.2023 Dec;124(6S):101605.


Survival rate of implants following maxillary sinus floor augmentation using freeze-dried allografts vs bovine derived xenografts: A retrospective multicenter study.

PMID: 37573966




INTRODUCTION: This study aims to compare the surgical and clinical complications, and the dental implant survival rate after maxillary sinus floor augmentation using demineralized freeze-dried bone allografts (DFDBA) versus bovine derived xenografts.



MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective study enrolled 107 patients (52 males and 55 females, mean age group 1: 54,4 years; group 2: 56,4 years) requiring maxillary bone reconstruction prior to implantation. A total of 141 sinuses were grafted and 191 implants were placed. Data on various variables, including patient characteristics, implant placement details, and outcomes, were collected through medical records and patient questionnaires.


この研究では、2つのグループ間でインプラントの生存率に有意差は認められなかった(94,0%対94,4%;p=0,919)。全合併症は患者の19.6%に認められ、同種移植片群でより高い発生率であった(23,6%対15,4%;p=0,283)。多重ロジスティック回帰分析では、合併症の有意な予測因子として、2段階手術プロトコール(OR= 2,8;p=0,045)、および術前の歯槽骨隆起の高さが4mm未満(OR= 5,3;p=0,004)が同定された。インプラント失敗のリスクは、術前の歯槽骨隆起の高さが4mm未満(OR= 6,1、p=0,038)と喫煙(OR= 5,8、p=0,012)によって上昇した。

RESULTS: The study found no significant differences in implant survival rates between the two groups (94,0% versus 94,4%; p = 0,919). Overall complications were observed in 19.6% of patients, with a higher incidence in the allograft group (23,6% versus 15,4%; p = 0,283). Multiple logistic regression analysis identified a two-stage surgical protocol (OR= 2,8; p = 0,045), and a preoperative alveolar ridge height of less than 4 mm (OR= 5,3; p = 0,004) as significant predictors of complications. The risk of implant failure was raised by a preoperative alveolar ridge height of less than 4 mm (OR= 6,1; p = 0,038) and smoking (OR= 5,8; p = 0,012).



DISCUSSION: DFDBA is a reliable treatment option for extensive rehabilitation of atrophic maxilla, with a success rate comparable to xenografts used in sinus augmentation. Implant failure was significantly correlated with smoking and a residual ridge height of less than 4 mm.