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J Pers Med.2023 Aug;13(8).


Malocclusion and Scoliosis: Is There a Correlation?

PMID: 37623498




INTRODUCTION: Scoliosis is a complex three-dimensional malformation of the spine. Although its etiology is still being investigated, it is clear that a number of factors can influence this syndrome. The spinal deformity of idiopathic scoliosis can be viewed from an etiopathogenetic perspective as a symptom of a complicated condition with a multifactorial etiology. Numerous studies have established its relationship with malocclusion, but it is still unclear how these factors interact. Malocclusion is a change in the physiological alignment of the upper and lower teeth that can be either dental or skeletal in origin. This study's objective is to assess the relationship between scoliosis and malocclusion.


歯科および整形外科の開業医から、側弯症のある患者447名と側弯症のない患者199名、合計646名(女性554名、男性92名)を登録し、無記名のアンケートに回答してもらった。これらの患者は、歯科および整形外科の診察を受けた民間の歯科および整形外科診療所から選ばれた。22人の患者は、回答が得られなかったため除外された。参加者には、Google Forms(Google LLC, Mountain View, CA, USA)を用いて、本研究のために特別に作成された13の質問からなる英語とイタリア語の二ヶ国語による調査票が配布された。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 646 patients were enrolled (554 females and 92 males), 447 with scoliosis and 199 without, from private dental and orthopedic practices, to answer an anonymous questionnaire. They were selected in private dental and orthopedic practices where they had dental and orthopedic examinations. Twenty-two patients were excluded because of a lack of answers. Participants were given a bilingual survey, in English and Italian, composed of 13 questions formulated specifically for this study, using Google Forms (Google LLC, Mountain View, CA, USA).


脊柱側弯症があるか」という質問の単変量解析は、以下の質問と有意な相関を示した:「側湾症は家族の問題ですか?( < 0.05 OR 7.30 IC: 3.05-17.46) "不正咬合がありますか?"( < 0.05, OR: 1.19 IC:1.0-1.34)および "不正咬合は家族の問題でしたか?"( < 0.01, OR: 1.39 IC 1.10-1.77)。同じ変数について多変量解析を行ったところ、側弯症の最良の予測因子は、"側弯症は家族の問題であったか "であった(<0.001)。( < 0.001)と "不正咬合が家族の問題であったか?" ( < 0.05)であった。(< 0.05)であり、「不正咬合があるか」という質問は有意性を失った。

RESULTS: Univariate analysis of the question "Do you have scoliosis?" shows a significant correlation with the following questions: "Was scoliosis a family issue?" ( < 0.05 OR 7.30 IC: 3.05-17.46) "Do you have malocclusion?" ( < 0.05, OR: 1.19 IC:1.0-1.34) and "Was mal-occlusion a family issue?" ( < 0.01, OR: 1.39 IC 1.10-1.77). Performing a multivariate analysis for the same variables, the best predictors of scoliosis were "Was scoliosis a family issue?" ( < 0.001) and "Was malocclusion a family issue?" ( < 0.05), while the question "Do you have malocclusion" lost significance.



CONCLUSION: This study adds further confirmation that there might be an important connection between malocclusion and scoliosis; it suggests that dentists and orthopedists have to check, as early as possible, for the probable presence of both pathologies to avoid a severe progression which, in most cases, may require significant therapy and even surgery.