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J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects.2023;17(2):81-86.


Effects of topical fluoride treatment on the bond strength of pit and fissure sealants: A systematic review.

PMID: 37649817



このシステマティックレビューは、窩洞・小窩裂溝シーラントの接着強さに対する局所フッ化物処理の効果に関する利用可能な科学的証拠を評価することを目的とした。う蝕予防は小児歯科における重要な課題の一つである。小窩裂溝シーラントとフッ化物治療は,1 回で行えるう蝕予防処置である.しかし,フッ化物療法は小窩裂溝シーラントの接着強度に影響を及ぼす可能性がある.

BACKGROUND: This systematic review aimed to evaluate the available scientific evidence concerning the effects of topical fluoride treatment on the bond strength of pit and fissure sealants. Prevention of dental caries is one of the crucial issues in pediatric dentistry. Pit and fissure sealant and fluoride therapies are two caries prevention procedures that may be performed in one session. However, fluoride therapy may affect the bond strength of pit and fissure sealants.


英語およびペルシア語で発表された、局所フッ化物療法と窩裂溝シーラントの接着強さに関するin vitro研究の電子的検索を、PubMed/ Medline、Web of Science、Google Scholar、Embase、およびScopusのデータベースを用いて2022年5月まで行った。論文は2名のレビュアーが独立に質を確認した。テキストデータを手作業で分析し、フッ化物塗布後に装着したシーラントの接着強度を対照群と比較した。

METHODS: An electronic search for in vitro studies published in English and Persian on topical fluoride therapy and the bond strength of pit and fissure sealants was performed via PubMed/ Medline, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Embase, and Scopus databases until May 2022. The articles were independently reviewed for quality by two reviewers. Textual data were analyzed manually, and the bond strength of sealants placed after fluoride application was compared with control groups.


合計 8482 報の論文が最初に同定され、2 名の独立した査読者によって査読され、13 報が全文評価のために選択された。最終的に 6 報をシステマティックレビューに組み入れた。合計 250 歯が調査され、そのうち 148 歯が症例群(フッ化物群)、102 歯が対照群であった。引張接着強さとせん断接着強さは、各研究のグループ間で比較された。

RESULTS: A total of 8482 articles were initially identified and reviewed by two independent reviewers, and 13 were selected for full-text evaluation. Finally, six articles were included in the systematic review. A total of 250 teeth were studied, 148 of which were in the case group (fluoride group) and 102 in the control group. Tensile and shear bond strengths were compared between groups in the studies.



CONCLUSION: In the studies in which the tooth surfaces were washed after applying fluoride, there was no change in the fissure sealant bond strength. However, in studies in which fluoride was not washed, the bond strength decreased significantly, independent of the fluoride type.