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J Oral Maxillofac Surg.2023 Nov;81(11):1403-1421.


Managing Mandibular Second Molar Impaction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

PMID: 37699532




PURPOSE: Mandibular second molar (M2M) impaction is a serious eruption disorder. The purpose of this systematic review was to analyze the therapeutic approaches for M2M impaction. The objective of the meta-analysis was to summarize the success of the surgical, surgical-orthodontic, and orthodontic treatment.


著者2名により、2023年1月までに5つのデータベースでPRISMAガイドによる検索戦略を実施した。無作為化および非無作為化臨床試験を対象とした。症例報告、症例数が5例未満のケースシリーズ、レビューは除外した。方法論的質は、非ランダム化臨床試験はNewcastle-Ottawa scale、ランダム化臨床試験はCochrane Collaboration toolを用いて評価した。アウトカムは以下の通りであった:1)正常な機能的咬合関係と歯周健康を伴う歯列弓における嵌頓M2Mの再ポジショニングによって定義される治療成功率、2)時間対事象分析としての再ポジショニングまでの時間、および3)合併症。メタアナリシスでは、露出変数として、歯科矯正(正立操作/牽引)、外科(外科処置/戦略的抜歯)、外科-歯科矯正(外科処置と歯科矯正処置の併用)の3つのアプローチによる治療成功の違いを検討した。定量分析では、第三大臼歯の抜歯を第二予測変数として成功率も比較した。χ検定により統計的異質性(I2)を判定し、70%のカットオフ値を用いて共通効果モデルまたはランダム効果モデルを選択した。オッズ比(OR)と95%信頼区間(CI)が記録された。

METHODS: A PRISMA-guided search strategy was conducted by 2 authors in 5 databases up to January 2023. Randomized and nonrandomized clinical trials were considered. Case reports, case series with<5 patients, and reviews were excluded. Methodological quality was assessed using Newcastle-Ottawa scale and Cochrane Collaboration tool for nonrandomized and randomized clinical trials, respectively. Outcomes were as follows: 1) treatment success rate defined by the repositioning of impacted M2M in the dental arch with normal functional occlusal relationship and periodontal health; 2) time-to-repositioning as time-to-event analysis; and 3) complications. Meta-analysis examined treatment success differences with 3 approaches: orthodontic (uprighting maneuvers/traction), surgical (surgical procedures/strategic extractions), and surgical-orthodontic (combined surgical and orthodontic procedures) as the exposure variable. The quantitative analysis also compared the success rate using third molar removal as the secondary predictor variable. The χ test determined the statistical heterogeneity (I2); a cut-off of 70% was used to select the common or random effects model. Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were recorded.


合計1,102件の論文が検索された。全文読解の結果、16件の論文が含まれ、1008件のM2Mが解析された。9件の研究の質はまずまず、6件の研究の質は良好、1件の研究のバイアスのリスクは不明確であった。衝撃を受けたM2Mの管理は、中等度から高度の成功率(66.7~100%)を示した。M2Mの直立化については、矯正治療よりも外科治療を支持する有意差が観察された(OR=4.97;CI:1.49~16.51;P=.01)。外科治療と外科-矯正治療を比較した差は検出されなかった(OR=1.第3大臼歯の抜歯は、M2Mアップライトと有意な相関は認められなかった(OR=1.98; CI: 0.24 to 16.03; P=.5)。

RESULTS: A total of 1,102 articles were retrieved. After full-text reading, 16 articles were included and 1008 M2Ms were analyzed. Nine studies had fair quality, 6 studies had good quality, and 1 had unclear risk of bias. Managing impacted M2Ms showed a moderate to high success rate (66.7 to 100%). Significant differences favoring surgical treatment over orthodontic treatment were observed for M2M uprighting (OR = 4.97; CI: 1.49 to 16.51; P = .01).No differences were detected comparing surgical and surgical-orthodontic treatment (OR = 1.00; CI: 0.03 to 37.44; P = .99), or orthodontic and surgical-orthodontic treatment(OR = 4.14; CI: 0.43 to 40.14; P = .22).Third molar removal showed no significant correlation with M2M uprighting (OR = 1.98; CI: 0.24 to 16.03; P = .5).



CONCLUSION: Despite study limitations, both orthodontic and surgical management of impacted M2M can be effective suggesting that clinicians are able to choose best treatment for most cases.