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J Endod.2023 Dec;49(12):1733-1738.

TruNatomy、WaveOne Gold、ProTaper Ultimateの管腔形成能、歯頸部象牙質周囲保存能、およびスメア層除去能の比較評価-ヒト歯におけるExVivo試験-

Comparative Evaluation of the Canal Shaping Ability, Pericervical Dentin Preservation, and Smear Layer Removal of TruNatomy, WaveOne Gold, and ProTaper Ultimate-An Ex Vivo Study in Human Teeth.

PMID: 37717909



近年、革新的なファイルシステムが導入され、歯質を保存しながら効率的な前処置と先端部までの消毒が可能であるとして、その有効性が向上している。しかしながら、最近開発されたシステムの有効性を比較したデータはほとんどない。そこで本研究では、WaveOne Gold (WOG)、TruNatomy (TN)、ProTaper Ultimate (PU)の各ファイルシステムの管腔形成、象牙質保存、スメア層除去能に関する機能性を初めて生体外で比較評価することを目的とした。

INTRODUCTION: Innovative file systems have been recently introduced, claiming improved effectiveness and superior ability to preserve the tooth structure, still allowing an efficient preparation and disinfection up to the apical region. Regardless, few data are available on the comparative effectiveness of the most recently developed systems. Thus, this ex vivo study aimed to comparatively evaluate, for the first time, the functionality of WaveOne Gold (WOG), TruNatomy (TN), and ProTaper Ultimate (PU) file systems regarding canal shaping, dentin preservation, and smear layer removal ability.



METHODS: Human maxillary incisors were randomly divided for instrumentation with one of the assayed systems. Canal shaping ability and pericervical dentin preservation were characterized through microtomographic evaluation and morphometric assessment (n = 15). Smear layer removal ability was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (n = 6).



RESULTS: TN and PU presented the lowest canal volume variation upon instrumentation, found to be significantly lower than that attained with WOG (P < .05). Pericervical dentin was reduced in all groups upon instrumentation, with TN evidencing the highest preservation, quantitatively similar to PU, and significantly higher than that attained with WOG (P < .05). SEM imaging revealed the presence of scattered remnants of the smear layer and partially opened dentinal tubules at the apical portion, with no significant differences between systems.



CONCLUSIONS: TN and PU allowed for the highest tissue preservation, reporting the lowest volume variation and the highest preservation of the pericervical dentin. None of the assessed systems provided a complete removal of the smear layer in the apical region.