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Prog Orthod.2023 Sep;24(1):39.


The effect of space arrangement between anterior teeth on their retraction with clear aligners in first premolar extraction treatment: a finite element study.

PMID: 37747552




INTRODUCTION: Clear aligner therapy has become increasingly popular in recent years, although it has encountered several difficulties in premolar extraction treatment. These difficulties include anterior dentition, lingual tipping and extrusion. The design of the present clinical scheme usually set a tiny space between the anterior teeth before retraction in order to obtain an ideal outcome. The objective of our research was to analyze the effect of the existing spaces during retraction.



METHODS: Models including maxillary dentition without first premolars, maxilla, periodontal ligaments, gingiva, or aligners were constructed and imported to an ANSYS workbench. Five groups of models were created: without spaces and with 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00 mm spaces between the anterior dentition. A 0.20 mm retraction step was applied to all the groups.


前歯列の間隔が広がるにつれて、受動的な力によるアライナーの弓状効果は徐々に減少した。その結果、前歯列の突出が有意に緩和され、矢状移動が減少した。しかし、全体的な移動は転倒ではなく、体位移動の傾向にあった。一方、歯根膜(PDL)の最大Von Mises応力は著しく減少した。

RESULTS: As the spaces between the anterior dentition increased, the bowing effect of the aligner caused by the passive forces decreased gradually. Accordingly, the degree of extrusion of the anterior dentition was alleviated significantly, while sagittal movement was reduced. However, the overall movement tended to be a bodily displacement rather than tipping. Meanwhile, maximum Von Mises stress of the periodontal ligaments (PDLs) was markedly decreased.



CONCLUSION: These analyses indicate that spaces between the anterior dentition during anterior retraction are beneficial for decreasing the tendency for extrusion of the anterior dentition and require provision of anchorage. Appropriate spaces can be designed to lest the lingual tipping and extrusion effect of the anterior teeth while simultaneously reducing the maximum stresses on PDLs.