Group 4 ITI Consensus Report: Patient benefits following implant treatment in partially and fully edentulous patients.
PMID: 37750516
OBJECTIVES: The aim of Working Group 4 was to address patient benefits associated with implant dentistry. Focused questions on (a) dental patient-reported outcomes (dPROs), (b) improvement in orofacial function, and (c) preservation of orofacial tissues in partially and fully edentulous patients following provision of implant-retained/supported dental prostheses were addressed.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three systematic reviews formed the basis for discussion. Participants developed statements and recommendations determined by group consensus based on the findings of the systematic reviews. These were then presented and accepted following further discussion and modifications as required by the plenary of the 7th ITI Consensus Conference, taking place in 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal.
総義歯(CD)を装着している無歯顎患者は、インプラント支 持固定式総義歯(CIFDP)またはインプラントオーバーデンチャー (IOD)を用いた治療により、dPROと顎口腔機能が大幅に改善される。dPROに関しては、2本のインプラントで保持された下顎のIODは、1本のインプラントで保持されたIODよりも優れている。しかし、インプラントの本数を2本以上に増やしても、dPROはそれ以上改善されない。完全無歯顎の患者においては、歯槽骨と咬筋の厚みを維持するために、CIFDPまたはIODによるリハビリテーションが推奨される。
RESULTS: Edentulous patients wearing complete dentures (CD) experience substantial improvements in overall dPROs and orofacial function following treatment with either complete implant-supported fixed dental prostheses (CIFDP) or implant overdentures (IODs). With respect to dPROs, mandibular IODs retained by two implants are superior to IODs retained by one implant. However, increasing the number of implants beyond two, does not further improve dPROs. In fully edentulous patients, rehabilitation with CIFDP or IOD is recommended to benefit the preservation of alveolar bone and masseter muscle thickness.
完全無歯顎患者において、少なくとも下顎をCIFDPまたは IODで修復すると、CDと比較して大きなメリットがある。完全無歯顎患者においては、インプラント補綴が歯牙補綴の最良の選択肢である。この治療法は、アクセスや手段が限られている患者を含め、すべての無歯顎患者に積極的に普及すべきである。
CONCLUSIONS: Completely edentulous patients benefit substantially when at least the mandible is restored using an CIFDP or an IOD compared to CD. In fully edentulous patients, implant prostheses are the best option for tooth replacement. The availability of this treatment modality should be actively promoted in all edentulous communities, including those with limited access and means.