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J Endod.2023 Dec;49(12):1690-1697.


Finite Element Analysis of Fracture Resistance of Mandibular Molars with Different Access Cavity Designs.

PMID: 37804945




INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to assess the fracture resistance of mandibular first molars after preparation with 3 different access cavity designs and 2 rotary systems using finite element analysis.


天然歯を模擬した6本の3次元プリント下顎第一大臼歯に、従来型、保存型、超保存型(トラス)のアクセスキャビティ作製を行った。各グループの根管には、XP-Endo Shaper(FKG Dentaire, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland)またはTruNatomy(Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland)のロータリーファイルを用いてインスツルメンテーションを行った。模型を個別にデジタル化し、マイクロCTスキャンをMimicsソフトウェア(Materialise NV、Leuven、ベルギー)に転送して歯の幾何学モデルを作成した。設計されたモデルは3-maticソフトウェア(Materialise NV)にエクスポートされ、STLファイルはGeomagic Design X(3D Systems, Rock Hill, SC)に転送された。サーフェシングには点群データを使用し,ANSYSソフトウェア(Ansys,Canonsburg,PA)に転送した.200Nの表層力を頬側咬頭と中心窩に垂直に加え、等価フォンミーゼス応力の最大値と最小値を算出して報告した。

METHODS: Six 3-dimensionally printed mandibular first molars simulating natural teeth received traditional, conservative, and ultraconservative (truss) access cavity preparations. The root canals in each group were instrumented with either XP-Endo Shaper (FKG Dentaire, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland) or TruNatomy (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland) rotary files. The models were individually digitized, and micro-computed tomographic scans were transferred to Mimics software (Materialise NV, Leuven, Belgium) to create a geometric model of the tooth. The designed model was exported to 3-matic software (Materialise NV), and STL files were transferred to Geomagic Design X (3D Systems, Rock Hill, SC). Point cloud data were used for surfacing and transferred to ANSYS software (Ansys, Canonsburg, PA). A 200-N superficial force was applied vertically to the buccal cusps and central fossa, and the maximum and minimum equivalent von Mises stress values were calculated and reported.


従来のアクセスキャビティ設計と超保存的アクセスキャビティ設計では、フォンミーゼス応力値がそれぞれ最高値と最低値を示した。超保存的窩洞設計では、XP-Endo Shaper と比較して、TruNatomy を使用した窩洞形成で頸部周囲象牙質の応力値が低かった。伝統的窩洞設計および保存的窩洞設計では,セメントエナメル接合部から最初の 2mm では XP-Endo Shaper 群で,次の 3mm では TruNatomy 群で応力が低かった.

RESULTS: The traditional and ultraconservative access cavity designs yielded the highest and the lowest von Mises stress values, respectively. In the ultraconservative cavity design, the stress values in pericervical dentin were lower in canal preparation with TruNatomy compared with XP-Endo Shaper. In the traditional and conservative cavity designs, stress was lower in the first 2 mm from the cementoenamel junction in the XP-Endo Shaper group and in the next 3 mm in the TruNatomy group.


超保存的窩洞設計および保存的窩洞設計では、従来設計と比較して応力が低かった。また、TruNatomy を用いた根管形成では、XP-Endo Shaper と比較して、全般的に応力値が低かった。

CONCLUSIONS: Stress was lower in the ultraconservative and conservative cavity designs compared with the traditional design. Also, root canal preparation with TruNatomy yielded lower stress values in general compared with XP-Endo Shaper.