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Aust Dent J.2024 Mar;69(1):40-48.


A comparison of the effects of incremental and snowplow techniques on the mechanical properties of composite restorations.

PMID: 37814190




BACKGROUND: Glass fibre-reinforced composite (GFRC) has the potential to enhance the mechanical properties of resin-based restorations. Nevertheless, the application technique can influence the cervical margin porosity, potentially reducing the mechanical strength of restorations.


インビトロのセットアップにおいて、スノープロウおよびインクリメンタルキュア技術がGFRC(EverX)およびユニバーサルレジンコンポジット(Filtek)の特性に及ぼす影響を評価するために、型取りした試験片に6つの異なる処理を施した。機械的特性、すなわち曲げ強さ(FS)、圧縮強さ(CS)およびビッカース硬さ(VH)は、ISO 4049規格に従って評価した。データの解釈にはクラスカル・ワリス検定を用いた。

METHODS: In an in vitro setup, mould specimens underwent six different treatments to assess the effects of snowplow and incremental curing techniques on the properties of GFRC (EverX) and universal resin composite (Filtek). Mechanical properties, namely flexural strength (FS), compressive strength (CS) and Vickers hardness (VH), were evaluated following ISO 4049 standards. Data interpretation utilized the Kruskal-Wallis tests.


FSについては、グループ間で有意差は見られなかった。EverXの厚みが少ないスノープラウ法(SnPl_1)のCSは、EverXとフィルテックのみと同等であった(P>0.05)。CSは、EverXの厚みが大きいスノープロー法(SnPl_2)で減少し(P<0.05)、インクリメンタル法でさらに減少した(P<0.001)。VHの結果から、EverX PosteriorはFiltekよりも一貫して軟らかく、異なる適用方法による硬さの変化の特異的なパターンが示された。

RESULTS: No significant difference emerged across groups for FS. CS in the snowplow method with lesser EverX thickness (SnPl_1) was comparable with only EverX and Filtek (P > 0.05). The CS was reduced in the snowplow technique with greater EverX thickness (SnPl_2) (P < 0.05) and further decreased with the incremental method (P < 0.001). VH results showed that EverX Posterior was consistently softer than Filtek, with specific patterns of hardness variations among different application methods.



CONCLUSIONS: Applying EverX and Filtek using the snowplow technique delivers superior CS and VH for restorations in contrast to the incremental method. Utilizing the snowplow approach in high-stress areas can make restorations more fracture-resistant.