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J Endod.2024 Jan;50(1):22-30.


Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety of Pulp Sensitivity Testing Results Using a New Pulp Testing Device versus Some Commonly Used Methods: A Crossover Study.

PMID: 37839772




INTRODUCTION: The efficacy and safety of a single novel electronic pulp sensitivity tester with a transilluminator (PSTT) capable of providing 4 different tests was compared with gold standard (GS) pulp testing methods.


各四象限から3歯とその対側および対合歯を含む480歯を、PSTTまたはGS法を用いて無作為に評価した。7日後、同じ歯について、先に使用しなかった方法で評価を行い、すべての歯が両方の方法で評価されるようにした。陰性対照として、以前に根管治療を行った60歯を実験グループと同様に評価した。結果はIBM SPSSソフトウェア(IBM Corp, Armonk, NY)を用いて分析した(P<.05)。

METHODS: Four hundred eighty teeth, including 3 from each quadrant and their contralateral and opposing teeth, were randomly assessed using the PSTT or GS methods. Seven days later, the same teeth were assessed using the method not used earlier so that all teeth were evaluated using both methods. Sixty previously root canal-treated teeth, serving as negative controls, were assessed identically to the experimental groups. Results were analyzed using IBM SPSS software (IBM Corp, Armonk, NY) (P < .05).


PSTTと比較して、GS法ではより高い割合の歯が低温および電気に反応した(それぞれ99.4 vs 93.1および99.6 vs 97.3)。PSTTと比較して、GS法では熱に反応する歯の割合が低かった(50.0 vs 68.1)。カイ二乗検定により、温度に対する知覚過敏の割合、および電気的検査法の違いは統計的に有意であった(それぞれP<.001およびP=.004)。透過照明では感受性の割合に差はみられなかった。Wilcoxon符号順位検定では、GS法を用いた場合、低温検査時間が有意に短かった(P=.024)。PSTTでは、温熱法(P<.001)、電気パルプ法(P=.048)、透過照明法(P=.001)で検査時間の短縮が観察された。全体のPSTT検査時間は、GS検査時間より有意に短かった(P=.03)。組織損傷は観察されなかった。

RESULTS: A higher percentage of teeth responded to cold and electricity using GS methods compared with the PSTT (99.4 vs 93.1 and 99.6 vs 97.3, respectively). A lower percentage of teeth responded to heat using the GS method compared with the PSTT (50.0 vs 68.1). Chi-square tests determined differences in the proportion of sensitivity to temperature, and electric testing methods were statistically significant (P < .001 and P = .004, respectively). No difference in the proportion of sensitivity was observed for transillumination. The Wilcoxon signed rank test determined significantly shorter cold testing times using the GS method (P = .024). Shorter testing times were observed using the PSTT for heat (P < .001), electric pulp testing (P = .048), and transillumination (P = .001). The overall PSTT testing time was significantly shorter than the GS testing time (P = .03). Tissue injury was not observed.



CONCLUSIONS: The PSTT efficiently and safely provided heat and transillumination for pulpal diagnosis. Improvements are needed to enhance the cold and electric stimulus efficacy.