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Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants.2023 Oct;38(5):943-953.


Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of a New Fully Tapered Implant with the One-Abutment One-Time Approach: In-Line Clinical Case Series with a 1-Year Follow-up.

PMID: 37847836




PURPOSE: To evaluate the bone level changes in a new implant design (fully tapered with platform switching) with the one-abutment one-time protocol after 1 year of loading.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty patients received 1 or 2 implants (6-, 8-, or 10-mm length and 3.5-, 3.75-, or 4.5-mm diameter, bone-level design) to replace one or multiple edentulous sites. Only the mesial implant was assessed. Radiographic, clinical, and esthetic results and the survival and success rates were evaluated 1 year after final loading.


1年後、どの症例にもインプラント周囲の骨欠損は認められなかった。手術からクラウン装着までの平均辺縁堤骨欠損は0.19±0.17mmであった(P < 0.0001)。手術から1年後の経過観察までの平均辺縁骨欠損は0.25±0.24mmであった(P < .0001)。1年間の経過観察とクラウン装着の間の修正プラーク指数の差は、内側表面(0.33±0.54mm;P = 0.003)と遠位表面(0.5±0.73mm;P = 0.001)で有意であった。プロービングポケットの深さは、1年後の方がクラウン埋入時よりもメシアル側およびディスタル側で統計的に有意に深かった(平均深さ=0.75mm;P<0.0005)。その他の臨床的、審美的パラメータについては、統計的に有意な差は認められなかった。1年後の全生存率と成功率は100%であった。

RESULTS: At 1 year, no peri-implant bone loss was seen in any of the cases. Mean marginal crestal bone loss between surgery and crown placement was 0.19 ± 0.17 mm (P < .0001). Between surgery and the 1-year follow-up, the mean marginal crestal bone loss was 0.25 ± 0.24 mm (P < .0001). The difference in the modified Plaque Index between 1 year of follow-up and crown placement was significant for in the mesial (0.33 ± 0.54 mm; P = .003) and distal surfaces (0.5 ± 0.73 mm; P = .001). The probing pocket depth was statistically significantly deeper at 1 year than at crown placement at the mesial and distal aspects (average depth = 0.75 mm; P < .0005). No statistically significant differences were found for any other clinical or esthetic parameters. The overall survival and success rates after 1 year were 100%.



CONCLUSIONS: The fully tapered, deep-thread, platform-switched implant design placed with the one-abutment one-time protocol demonstrated minimal marginal crestal bone loss and crestal bone stability at 1 year of follow-up.