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J Pak Med Assoc.2023 Oct;73(10):1981-1986.


Effectiveness Of Computed Tomography-Guided Nasotracheal Intubation Procedure On Predicting Tube Advancement Difficulty And Preventing Epistaxis: A Prospective Case-Control Study.

PMID: 37876056




OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effectiveness of computed tomography-guided nasotracheal intubation procedure in predicting tube advancement difficulty and preventing epistaxis.


前向き研究は、2018年4月から2019年6月までErciyes University Faculty of Dentistryで実施され、米国麻酔学会グレードIまたはIIと定義された二顎矯正手術を受ける予定の18~50歳の男女いずれかの顎顔面外科患者を対象とした。内鼻弁領域のチューブを通すスペースは、コンピュータ断層撮影を用いて水平方向と垂直方向に測定した。経験豊富な麻酔科医1名が全患者を挿管し、チューブを鼻腔に通すのに必要な労力に基づいて、後に「容易」グループAと「困難」グループBに分けた。データはJASP versionを用いて分析した。

METHODS: The prospective study was conducted at Erciyes University Faculty of Dentistry from April 2018 to June 2019 and comprised maxillofacial surgery patients of either gender aged 18-50 years who were due to undergo bimaxillary orthognathic surgery, which was defined as American Society of Anaesthesiology grade I or II. The space where the tube was to be passed in the internal nasal valve region was measured horizontally and vertically using computed tomography. A single experienced anaesthesiologists intubated all the patients who were later divided into 'easy' group A and 'difficult' group B on the basis of the effort required to advance the tube through the nasal passage. Data was analysed using JASP version



RESULTS: Of the 60 patients, 42(70%) were females and 18(30%) were males. The overall mean age was 29.0±10.5 years and the mean body mass index value was 23.6±4.0 kg/m 2 (p>0.05). There were 28(46.6%) patients in group A, and 32(53.3%) in group B. Median distances were significantly shorter and epistaxis was significantly higher in group B compared to group A (p<0.001). The cut-off values to reveal the distance at which difficulty may be experienced while advancing the tube, determined through receiver operating characteristic analysis, were 1.09 cm for vertical and 0.39cm for horizontal distances.



CONCLUSIONS: The nasotracheal intubation procedure under the guidance of computed tomography could help predict the difficulty of tube advancement, and could thus prevent epistaxis and other related nasal intubation complications. Clinical trial number: NCT05525754.