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J Endod.2024 Jan;50(1):96-105.

ダイナミック・ナビゲーション・システムによる石灰化した根管の位置決めの限界と管理 失敗例

Limitations and Management of Dynamic Navigation System for Locating Calcified Canals Failure.

PMID: 37890613



Nonsurgical endodontic teeth treatment with severe pulp canal obliteration poses challenges, primarily locating canals. By combining 3-dimensional reconstruction and spatial location registration, the dynamic navigation technique uses an optical tracking system to guide the clinician to drill in real time according to the predesigned path until access to the canal is established. Several in vitro studies and case reports have shown that calcified canal location with dynamic navigation system (DNS) is more accurate and efficient, yet the technique has limitations. In 4 cases with 7 teeth, this work presents manipulation process and clinical outcomes of DNS helping in calcified canal location. We performed handpiece adaptation and elucidated the failure to locate the canals with DNS in 2 teeth, resulting in canal geometry alteration and canal path deviation. Subsequently, the more experienced endodontist located the canals by combining cone-beam computed tomographic imaging and dental operating microscopy. All patients were completely asymptomatic after treatment. At the 1-year follow-up visit, the bone healing of periapical lesions progressed well according to the periapical radiography or cone-beam computed tomographic imaging. These findings indicate that DNS is a promising technique for locating calcified canals; however, it needs to be refined before clinical use.