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Bioengineering (Basel).2023 Sep;10(10).

抜歯窩の治癒に関する最新の知見:A Narrative Review

Current Knowledge on the Healing of the Extraction Socket: A Narrative Review.

PMID: 37892875


抜歯窩治癒の概念は、歯科医院で行われる最も一般的な処置のひとつであるため、長年にわたり様々な研究や報告がなされてきた。この治癒過程を理解することは、将来的な補綴物のリハビリテーション、ひいては患者の審美性や咀嚼機能などに直結するため、最も重要である。そこで本総説では、抜歯後、窩洞が完全に閉鎖するまでの生物学的・臨床的事象を含め、窩洞治癒のさまざまな段階に関する現在の知見をまとめた。さらに、抜歯後の歯槽骨/歯槽突起のモデリングと、その結果生じる寸法変化(全体として骨を形成する)をレビューし、文書化した。これらの寸法変化を緩和し、歯槽骨突起を将来の補綴リハビ リに適した状態に維持するための、さまざまなソケット保存 治療の効果に焦点を当てた。最後に、このプロセス全体に影響を及ぼすいくつかの要因についても概説した。

The concept of extraction socket healing has been severally researched and reported over the years, since tooth extraction remains one of the most common procedures performed in the dental clinic. Understanding this healing process is of utmost importance because the outcome has a direct bearing on future prosthetic rehabilitation and, by extension, on patients' esthetics and masticatory function, among others. This mini review, therefore, summarized the current knowledge on the different stages of socket healing, including the biologic and clinical events that occur following tooth extraction up until the complete closure of the socket. Additionally, the modeling of the alveolar bone/process post extraction, and the resultant dimensional changes that, altogether, shape the bone, were reviewed and documented. The effects of various socket preservation interventions to mitigate these dimensional changes, and therefore preserve the alveolar process in a condition suitable for future prosthetic rehabilitation, were highlighted. Finally, a review of some of the factors that influence the entire process was also carried out.