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Clin Oral Investig.2023 Dec;27(12):7777-7785.


Erosive tooth wear and salivary parameters among competitive swimmers and non-swimmers in Egypt: a cross-sectional study.

PMID: 37924355




INTRODUCTION: Competitive swimmers spend considerable time practicing their sport. Prolonged exposure to chlorinated water can alter salivary parameters and might compromise oral health. This study aimed to determine erosive tooth wear status and its related risk factors among competitive swimmers as compared to non-swimmers.


180名のアスリート(競泳選手90名対競漕選手「非競泳選手」90名)を対象とした横断研究を実施した。参加者は、一般的なエロージョンの危険因子についてインタビューを受けた。侵食性歯牙摩耗の状態を評価するために、Basic Erosive Wear Examinationシステムを使用した。トレーニングセッションの前後に刺激唾液サンプルを採取し、7日間pHストリップを用いてプールのpHを評価した。データは記述統計および多変量解析を用いて分析した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study consisting of 180 athletes (90 competitive swimmers versus 90 competitive rowers "non-swimmers") was conducted. Participants were interviewed on the common erosion risk factors. The Basic Erosive Wear Examination system was used to assess the status of erosive tooth wear. Stimulated saliva sample was collected before and after a training session and pool pH was evaluated using pH strips for 7 days. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multivariable analysis.



RESULTS: The prevalence of dental erosion was significantly higher among competitive swimmers (60%) with higher BEWE scores compared to non-swimmers (25.6%). The salivary flow rate was reduced significantly after training sessions in both groups while salivary pH increased among swimmers. Evaluation of pool water revealed a continuous reduction in the pH level, reaching a very acidic pH level of 3.24.



CONCLUSION: Erosive tooth wear is more prevalent among competitive swimmers. Years of practice and regular consumption of acidic drinks increase the odds of developing erosive lesions. A high incidence of erosive lesions may be attributed to a reduction in swimming pool pH level. Salivary parameters showed variations between groups after training sessions.