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Clin Oral Implants Res.2024 Aug;35(8):1011-1032.


Current applications of 3D printing in dental implantology: A scoping review mapping the evidence.

PMID: 37929684




OBJECTIVES: This scoping review aimed to identify the available evidence in the use of 3D printing technology in dental implantology. Due to the broad scope of the subject and its application in implantology, three main areas of focus were identified: (1) customized dental implants, (2) manufacturing workflow for surgical implant guides, and (3) related implant-supported prostheses factors, which include the metallic primary frameworks, secondary ceramic or polymer superstructures, and 3D implant analog models.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: Online databases (Medline, Cochrane, Embase, and CINAHL) were used to identify the studies published up to February 2023 in English. Two experienced reviewers performed independently the screening and selection among the 1737 studies identified. The articles evaluated the additive manufacturing (AM) technology, materials, printing, and post-processing parameters regarding dental implantology.



RESULTS: The 132 full-text studies that met the inclusion criteria were examined. Thirteen studies of customized dental implants, 22 studies about the workflow for surgical implant guides, and 30 studies of related implant-supported prostheses factors were included.


(1) AMチタンおよびジルコニアインプラントに関する臨床エビデンスは乏しい。生存率、オッセオインテグレーション、機械的特性 に関する初期のデータが報告されている。(2)3Dプリンティングは、外科用インプラントガイドを作製するための実証済みの製造技術である。製造者の指示に従うことが重要であり、MultiJetプリンターを使用して最高の精度が達成された。(3)3Dプリンティングされた補綴構造および上部構造の品質は、特に金属合金において著しく向上している。しかし、金属やセラミックでは、ミリング技術により、より優れた限界適合性と機械的特性を達成することができる。

CONCLUSIONS: (1) The clinical evidence about AM titanium and zirconia implants is scarce. Early data on survival rates, osseointegration, and mechanical properties are being reported. (2) 3D printing is a proven manufacturing technology to produce surgical implant guides. Adherence to the manufacturer's instructions is crucial and the best accuracy was achieved using MultiJet printer. (3) The quality of 3D printed prosthetic structures and superstructures is improving remarkably, especially on metallic alloys. However, better marginal fit and mechanical properties can be achieved with milling technology for metals and ceramics.